Saturday, August 3, 2024

Web links for understanding the role of Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination

Web Links for Understanding the Role of Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination: 

Absolute Proof that Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected* patsy for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960

Gil Jesus on the unreliability of the “witnesses” who supposedly saw Oswald shoot Officer J.D. Tippit -

 Lyndon Johnson on 4/3/1967 told his Chief of Staff Marvin Watson that the CIA had something to do with the JFK assassination,%20Marvin%20Watson%20called%20me%20late%20last%20night (FBI Deke DeLoach memo -see page 2)

Former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden video interview (4/7/23) details a VOLCANIC ARGUMENT that Lyndon Johnson had with JFK & RFK in the Oval Office on June 29, 1961 at 7PM. (see 22 minute mark)

Tip O’Neill: JFK aides Dave Powers and Ken O’Donell said the FBI told them to lie about shots coming from the Grassy

USS Liberty survivor Moe Shafer was told by Admiral Martin that planes with nuclear payloads were aimed at Cairo HPSCAN_0323221054.pdf_extract_3.pdf (

NYT: “The Man Who Knew Exactly What the FBI was doing to Martin Luther King – Lyndon Johnson”

Jeremy Kuzmarov’s scholarly article for Covert Action Magazine which indicts LBJ for the JFK assassination

Journalist Matt Armstrong’s indictment of LBJ for the JFK assassination

Rob Unz 6/24/24 massive information packed article on the JFK assassination   

(1961-1962) Attorney General Robert Kennedy covered up the murder of Henry Marshall because he feared an LBJ-related murder scandal would be toxic to the new Kennedy Administration  

LBJ top aide Horace Busby strongly implies that Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware by Nov. 4, 1963 that the Kennedys had sent a SWAT team of over **FORTY** national reporters to Texas to utterly destroy him  I wonder how LBJ would have reacted?

Burkett van Kirk (GOP Senate Rules Committee counsel) and James Wagenvoord (Life Magazine assistant editor) prove the Kennedys were out to destroy LBJ in November of 1963

National Review’s Phil Brennan knew in real time all about the Kennedys’ ongoing plan to destroy LBJ with the media in fall of 1963:

LBJ insiders Dallas investors D.H. Byrd and James Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock at $16/share in November, 1963. By 1967 the military contractor was trading at a whopping $169/share

The Precise Time and Location that the Planning of the JFK Assassination began – July 13, 1960, Los Angeles

Five very interesting things that relate to Lyndon Johnson and the JFK assassination

Jackie Kennedy tapes: JFK and RFK had plans to stop LBJ from ever being president:

LBJ’s right arm Bobby Baker predicted on Inauguration Day 1961 (1/20/61) that JFK would die a violent death and not live out his term:

Ethel Kennedy in 2010: “We all thought it was Lyndon Johnson”

Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden witnessed an EXPLOSIVE ARGUMENT in the Oval Office between Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys in late  June, 1961

Mere days before the JFK assassination Robert Kennedy’s friends gave him for his 38th birthday a VOODOO DOLL of Lyndon Johnson with pins in it -

Lyndon Johnson in April, 1967 told his top aide Marvin Watson that he was “now convinced” the CIA was behind the JFK assassination -,%20Marvin%20Watson%20called%20me%20late%20last%20night 4/4/67 FBI Deke DeLoach memo, page 3

1966 FBI Hoover memo to Lyndon Johnson: The KGB has internally concluded by 1965 that YOU were behind the JFK assassination:

Early 1967: Jim Garrison was privately telling people around New Orleans that that the JFK assassination could be “traced back” to Lyndon Johnson or that LBJ could be “found in it someplace.” Source Hale Boggs as told by Attorney General Ramsey Clark to LBJ on Feb. 20, 1967


Kennedys, Nixon, Goldwater, KGB, Civil Rights leaders, LBJ insiders, Texas liberals, Secret Service all believed LBJ murdered JFK


Warren Commission member Sen. John Sherman Cooper believed Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK. Source: his aide Morris Wolff: Wolff is alive in 2024.

John Connally grimaces as LBJ greets JFK upon his arrival to Dallas on the tarmac at Love Field 11-22-63, 11AM-11:15AM

LBJ Expert Essay on the murderous psychopathy of Lyndon Johnson   

The Scary Mental Instabilities of Lyndon Johnson

Lyndon Johnson was the Ultimate Psychopath:

LBJ – even on election victory night 11-8-60, was extremely unhappy about being elected vice president under JFK

Lyndon Johnson and party: drunk, laughing, celebrating immediately after JFK's murder. Source: Air Force Steward Doyle Whitehead:


Lady Bird Johnson lied about Rufus Youngblood vaulting over the front seat, pushing LBJ to the floor and lying on top of him

LBJ canceled an Air Force plane for a top Boston brain surgeon for a dying RFK in June, 1968

George Reedy (1982): Lyndon Johnson was OBSESSED with the idea that RFK was out to destroy him w/ Bobby Baker scandal in fall 1963 (which he was)

Lyndon Johnson for decades would defecate in front of staffers and reporters as a way of degrading, humiliating & dominating them

Robert Dallek: Lyndon Johnson “would bang the table and declare that he had more women by accident than Kennedy ever had on purpose”

Regarding Doris Kearns: “She told them that the essence of their relationship was that LBJ was in love with her, that he ‘pressed me very hard sexually the first year,’ that he courted her aggressively, that he asked her to marry him, that he was jealous of other men in her life."

[Sally Quinn, Washington Post, 8/24/75 "A Tale of Hearts and Minds"]
Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a Pre-selected patsy for the JFK assassination:

Lee Harvey Oswald was a completely innocent, pre-selected CIA patsy for the JFK assassination & his childhood idol was FBI operative Herbert Philbrick

U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples thought Lyndon Johnson was behind the 1961 murder of U.S. Agricultural official Henry Marshall:

Good Twitter thread on LBJ, Gen. Edward Lansdale, Ngo Dinh Diem and the JFK assassination

Lyndon Johnson was a full on White Supremacist – just read Robert Parker’s “Capitol Hill in Black and White” (1986)

Sen. Herman Talmadge told Robert Caro in 2000 that Lyndon Johnson’s view of proper white and black relationship was “Master and servant.”

Joshua Kendall on Lyndon Johnson’s “Virulent Misogyny:”

1960 – Lyndon Johnson, age 52, was on a political trip to NATO and at dinner one night was openly groping and “horsing around” with the wife of a State Department official. Source: Horace Busby


“The Killing of Henry Marshall,” Texas Observer 11-7-1986, Texas Observer - "The Killing of Henry Marshall," by Bill Adler 11-07-1986 Marshall’s obvious murder ruled a suicide by LBJ operatives

LBJ was the one INSISTING that JFK come to Texas and weirdly after JFK was killed LBJ blamed it on a COMMUNIST in hard right Dallas.

Lyndon Johnson on April 23, 1963 announced JFK’s trip to Texas: “At least wait until next November before you shoot him down.”

By 1973 Barry Goldwater confidently believed that LBJ was behind the JFK assassination


CIA chief William Casey on who murdered JFK: “Lyndon Johnson had his fingers in the soup bowl.”


KGB Col. Oleg Nechiporenko: many in the Mexican intelligence service FDS immediately thought LBJ was behind the JFK assassination


CIA Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt said before he died that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK


Progressive Democrats in Harris County such as Bill Ballew and future Justice William Kilgarin immediately thought LBJ had just murdered JFK


Everywhere civil rights activist Whitney Young went in November, 1963, he found people who told him LBJ had just murdered JFK  


Vietnam War addict Lyndon Johnson wanted RICHARD NIXON to win the 1968 presidential election!



John Curington, the right hand man to HL Hunt, has written a book that implies LBJ/HL Hunt used Dallas mafia chief Joe Civello and Jack Ruby to murder Oswald


Lyndon Johnson circa 1970 asked 27 years old Doris Kearns to MARRY HIM and pressured her for sex


1994 Larry Harris video on the Frame Up of Oswald for for murder of Officer J.D. Tippit


Jim DiEugenio on JFK’s foreign policy -


Robert Morrow note: I do not believe that LBJ murdered MLK, but I do believe that LBJ and Hoover were covering up for who murdered MLK. The King family thinks LBJ murdered MLK and that itself is important. Nor do I believe that LBJ murdered Robert Kennedy, although LBJ, CIA and FBI were extremely happy at the murder of RFK.


The King family believes that Lyndon Johnson murdered MLK “Son of Dr. King Asserts LBJ Role in Plot” NYT (6-20-97)


2023 – New biography by Jonathan Eig faults Lyndon Johnson for endangering MLK’s life -


Wash Post: King family believes James Earl Ray was framed:

LBJ tried to have sex with his black secretary Gerri Whittington at the LBJ Ranch mere days after signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964

LBJ had sex with pretty, young blonde Hearst reporter Cassie Mackin

LBJ tried to have sex with Washington Star columnist Mary McGory  - Lyndon Johnson tried to seduce DC journalist (

Teenager Lyndon Johnson once blew up a stray dog with a stick of dynamite in the town square of Johnson City, circa 1926  Source: Univ. of Texas Professor Emmett Redford, who grew up with LBJ.

Lyndon Johnson and Silver Star – the most fraudulent case of Stolen Valor in American History -

Brown and Root’s Warren S. Bellows bribed Lyndon Johnson in 1943 by GIVING LBJ a 5,000 sq. foot house at 1901 Dillman St. in Austin, TX

Billie Sol Estes told IRS investigator Walt Perry in 1963 that he had given $10 million in kickbacks to LBJ over the years

Lyndon Johnson completely fabricated his story about Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood vaulting into the back seat to cover him during the JFK assassination

May 31, 1968 – Lyndon Johnson was lounging around in a field of wildflowers with Hollywood actor Gregory Peck while the most horrific casualties of the Vietnam War had just taken place

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