Tuesday, August 3, 2021

LBJ announcing Kennedy trip to Texas: "wait until next November before you SHOOT HIM DOWN"

Lyndon Johnson sure had a INTERESTING WAY of being the first person to announce that JFK was coming to Dallas, TX on April 23, 1963. Notice how LBJ did not say, "At least wait until next November before you shoot both of us down."

Lyndon Johnson on April 23, 1963 was the FIRST person to announce that John Kennedy was coming, not merely to Texas, but to DALLAS and LBJ was also urging that JFK be in a open motorcade in Dallas

 LBJ in announcing the trip said of JFK, “At least wait until next November before you shoot him down." Charitably, we can think LBJ is referring to the general election of November, 1964. Uncharitably, we can think LBJ is making a Freudian slip about what he has in store for JFK in Dallas in November, 1963.


LBJ Sees Kennedy Dallas Visit - One-Day Texas Tour~ Eyed ."

Dallas Times Herald

Page One

April 24, 1963


"President Kennedy's schedule would permit him to attend a breakfast in Ft. Worth, a luncheon in Dallas, and an afternoon tea in San Antonio..."
He's the only pilot you have, and if the plane goes down, you go down with it. At least wait until next November before you shoot him down."

LBJ to editors of Dallas Times Herald who were hyper critical of JFK on Tuesday April 23, 1963 - also present were execs from KRCE: AM, FM and TV station.

The Dallas Times Herald – April 24, 1963:

 The bold print headline at the top of the paper said

 LBJ Sees Kennedy Dallas Visit

 “One-Day Texas Tour Eyed”

 Sub headline “Continued Cuba Watch Revealed by Vice President”

 The article read:


           At the afternoon reception, a crowd of nearly 2,000 jammed the Cystal Ballroom of the Baker Hotel to hear Vice President Johnson lash out at vociferous critics of the government.

          Before shaking hands for nearly an hour, the vice president said he had not come to “say anything ugly” about anyone. “My heart is not filled with fear or hate or hypocrisy” he said.

                   SCORES DETRACTORS

           “I see some people who are filled with hate and fear and hypocrisy and I say ‘God forgive them’” he said to cheers from the Democrats assembled.

          “I sympathize with those few who are in the minority. If they think this country is in as bad shape as they say it is, if they think our government is stupid and disloyal, well, I wonder why they agree to stay here anyway?” he said.

          He said the President of the United States is like a pilot and the election is when the nation picks an airplane and a pilot for the next four years.

           COMMON DANGER

           “Once you pick him, and you’re flying across the water in bad weather, don’t go up and open the door and try to knock him in the head. He’s the only pilot you have and if the plane goes down, you go with it.”

          “At least wait until next November before you shoot him down.”

          The vice president said he had supported President Eisenhower …


 [“LBJ Sees Kennedy Dallas Visit,” Dallas Times Herald, 4-24-1963, excerpt is from a continuation of the article on page 22A, column 3]

 Penn Jones’s editorial in his Midlothian Mirror, March 5, 1970 issue


 On April 23, 1963, Vice President Lyndon Johnson made a round of appearances in Dallas, Including a stop for a press conference at The Dallas Times Herald in which he predicted President Kennedy would visit Texas later in the year. Johnson gave the general schedule which included a Dallas luncheon. During the day's activities, Johnson spoke to 2,000 business and civic leaders in the Crystal Ball Room of the Baker Hotel. Included in Lyndon's remarks, according to page 22 of The Times Herald of April 24, are the quoted paragraphs:

 He said the President of the United States is like a pilot and the election is when the nation picks an airplane and a pilot for the next four years.

COMMON DANGER "Once you pick him, and you're flying across the water in bad weather, don't go up and open the door and try to knock him in the head. He's the only pilot you have and if the plane goes down, you go with it. "At least wait until next November before you shoot him down."


 Lyndon Johnson, despite Secret Service concerns, wanted JFK to be driven through Dallas in an open motorcade 

Jack Bell: “It was a wonderful day, beautiful weather. He came down Dallas’s Main Street in a motorcade. Kennedy had overruled the Secret Service, which wanted to take him directly from the airport to the Trade Mart where he was supposed to make a speech. Johnson had not wanted that. He wanted Kennedy to go through Dallas and demonstrate to these people – and to the world – that Dallas loved Kennedy. The people did. Out in the streets they gave him a terrific hand. Jackie was beautiful, and the people were rushing out to lay a hand on the car if they couldn’t get to the president. We turned a corner, and there was the Texas Schoolbook Depository.”

 [Merle Miller, Lyndon: An Oral Biography, p. 312]

  Jack Bell was a reporter for the Associated Press

 Jack Bell – Spartacus bio - https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKbellJL.htm

 Jack Bell oral history at JFK Library - https://www.jfklibrary.org/sites/default/files/archives/JFKOH/Bell,%20Jack%20L/JFKOH-JLB-01/JFKOH-JLB-01-TR.pdf

  Jackie Kennedy: Lyndon Johnson went to JFK’s hotel room in Houston on the night of 11-21-63 and he was complaining about seating arrangements in the motorcades in Texas


Robert Morrow translation: Lyndon Johnson, who hated Sen. Ralph Yarborough’s liberal guts, was trying to put Ralph Yarborough into JFK’s car, while at the same time putting his longtime pal Gov. John Connally in his car in the Dallas motorcade the next day. That is because LBJ knew that bullets were going to be flying into JFK’s car the next day in an assassination attempt, which LBJ was, of course, orchestrating.


 Vice-President Johnson came to our hotel room in Houston the night before we went to Fort Worth. There was all of this about people not wanting to ride in the car with him. I forget if John Connally wouldn’t ride in the car or Senator Yarborough wouldn’t.

 I remember asking Jack that night in Houston what the trouble was. He said that John Connally wanted to show that he was independent and could run on his own and was making friends with a lot of … I think he might have said “Republican fat cats,” and he wanted to show that he didn’t need Lyndon Johnson, or something. And that part of the trouble of the trip was him trying to show he had his own constituency.


 [Merle Miller, Lyndon: An Oral Biography, p. 312]


Lyndon Johnson was "insisting that Jackie ride" in his car in  the Texas motorcades. Source: George Smathers who conversed with JFK on Air Force One on the flight back from Florida on Monday, Nov. 18, 1963



           On Monday, Kennedy returned to Washington on Air Force One. His back hurt. Lying on his stateroom bed, he summoned George Smathers from the front of the plane: “God, I wish you could think of some way of getting me out of going to Texas…. Look how screwed up it’s going to be. You’ve got Lyndon, who is insisting that Jackie ride with him. You’ve got Ralph Yarborough, who hates Lyndon, and Johnson doesn’t want Yarborough with him. Connally is the Governor.

          “They are all prima donnas of the biggest order, and they’re all insisting that they either ride with me or Jackie. The law says the Vice President can’t ride with the President. I’ve got to start off my speech saying what a fine guy Johnson is, what a fine guy Connally is, and then Yarborough, and they all don’t like each other. I just wish to hell I didn’t have to go. Can’t you think of some emergency we could have?”


           [Michael Beschloss, The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev 1960-1963, pp. 665-666]

Lyndon Johnson told journalist Robert Novak in summer 1962 that the Kennedys were losing the cold war against the Soviet Union, losing to conservatives in Congress and that Robert Kennedy was planning to dump him off the 1964 Democratic ticket.

Robert Novak later married Geraldine, a secretary to LBJ

          Notice how Johnson is telling Novak in the summer of 1962 how the Kennedy Administration was "losing" the cold war to the Russians. This is before the fall, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. I imagine Johnson was using these same arguments with the generals, the Texas oil men and the military intelligence in the lead up to the JFK assassination.


Robert Novak:


           "After a Texas-style cookout, LBJ reclined, nearly prone, by the swimming pool. It was just the two of us drinking Scotch, and he spoke with a candor he never bestowed on me before or after. He felt the Kennedy administration was in serious trouble, losing the cold war to the Soviet Union and losing the legislative war to conservatives in Congress. He said that he had done everything the Kennedys had wanted, including foreign missions that only guaranteed him bad publicity.

          He was repaid with insults and humiliation, especially from the attorney general. Johnson  was sure Bobby Kennedy was plotting to dump him in 1964. "But I'm going to fool them," he said. "I'm going to pack it in after the term ends and go home to Texas." That would have been a huge scoop, but I knew Johnson was just blowing off steam.

          As for going back to Texas, the political environment there was hardly more congenial for LBJ than it was in Washington. Johnson's protege, John B. Connally, had just won the Democratic nomination for governor of Texas, which still all but guaranteed election in Texas. As secretary of the Navy, Connally had been the highest Kennedy administration official bearing the LBJ brand.

           But campaigning for governor, Connally removed the brand. With JFK and LBJ both unpopular in Texas, Connally ran against the administration he had just left, and won. Talking about Big John in that summer evening in 1962 led Johnson into self-pity. "John has turned my picture to the wall," LBJ told me. "You know I would never turn his picture to the wall."


 [Robert Novak, The Prince of Darkness, pp. 90-91]


 David Lifton analysis of what Lyndon Johnson was telling Robert Novak about his major bad blood with the Kennedys in summer, 1963.

 David Lifton email to Robert Morrow on 2/18/2020


2/18/2020 - 8:20 AM CST



 I think you missed an important “data-point.”

 Note the following quote:

 " He was repaid with insults and humiliation, especially from the attorney general. Johnson  was sure Bobby Kennedy was plotting to dump him in 1964. "But I'm going to fool them," he said. "I'm going to pack it in after the term ends and go home to Texas." That would have been a huge scoop, but I knew Johnson was just blowing off steam.

 Forget about what Novak thinks; and focus on what LBJ said.

 By stating this to Novak, LBJ was creating a public record of his having no future political ambition(s).  Rather, his intent is to “go home to Texas.”  IMHO: This statement is his (somewhat weak) attempt to create the appearance that he has no future political ambition; thus, removing him as having a “personal motive” in the upcoming assassination of JFK.   Think about it. . : The bank robber is outside the bank; a key person says, “I don’t know what you guys think you’re up to, but I’ve got to go to the bathroom.  Is there a bathroom nearby?  Oh well, I’m going down the street to that Texaco station. I think they have a toilet.”  etc etc. So. . . He’s no longer at the scene of the crime; he’s not “in charge.” He was just there, but that’s of no consequence, because he left when he suddenly needed to go to the nearest bathroom, down the street.” 

 IMHO: That’s what LBJ was doing with Novak. Creating a “political alibi.”  I disagree with Novak. Johnson was not “blowing off steam.”  He knew about—and was probably up to his neck—the upcoming plan to “get rid of JFK” . (And remember: it was LBJ who—as Manchester reported, based on extensive interviews with Jackie and with Kenneth O’Donnell’—pleaded with JFK to make the Texas trip ; and who (according to Jackie)“lured” him to go to Texas. 

 And that’s the word that she used: “lured” — and that’s after all the editing of what Manchester originally wrote. The word “lured” remained. G-D only knows what the original draft stated, before the editing by Sorensen (remember that?).

 So, the central notion that LBJ (according to the evidence  was deeply involved in getting Kennedy to “make the trip”; but, simultaneously was planning  to “go home to Texas”—is absurd. That’s just plain nonsense.  As I’ve heard they would say, down there in Texas: “That dog won’t hunt!”.


 P.S. Also. . 

Lyndon Johnson told Robert Novak in summer,1962 that the Kennedys were losing the cold war against the Soviet Union, 

For Johnson to be saying this is significant because (a) That would echo the sort of thing coming from a Curtis Lemay, (and others of that ilk); and second: since when does a Vice President take up a political position that is so completely different than his boss, the President, who is pursuing reasonable compromise, so that the world is peaceful, and things don’t escalate into a nuclear exchange?  IMHO.  DSL


 Political Journalist and author Alfred Steinberg: LBJ was so concerned about being dropped from the 1964 Democratic ticket that he developed severe stomach pains in the fall of 1963



 By the fall of 1963 talk was common in Washington that Johnson would be dropped from the 1964 ticket because he had turned into a negative factor. A Midwestern senator, who traveled to Connecticut with the Vice President for a fund-raising affair for the Vice President’s pal Senator Tom Dodd, reported to his Senate colleagues afterward that Johnson had lugubriously remarked during their New England visit, “I’m going to be out of it for a second term. Jack has another man in mind for Vice President.” So concerned was Johnson over what he believed would be his political doom that he developed severe stomach pains. But in this instance, the doctor’s diagnosis found it a coincidence of timing, that he was suffering from an oversupply of calcium and should eliminated milk from his diet.


 [Alfred Steinberg, Sam Johnson’s Boy: A Close-Up of the President from Texas, p. 589]

 Lyndon Johnson told Liz and Leslie Carpenter in the fall of 1963 that he was get off the 1964 Democratic ticket before the Kennedys could kick him off of it. Liz Carpenter was a longtime LBJ partisan who became Lady Bird’s press secretary in the White House

(LBJ’s “right hand man” Bobby Baker had resigned as Secretary of the Senate on 10/7/63)



 But denying any intent to dump Johnson was good politics. There is no doubt that if scandal sank the vice president, not a tear would have been shed in the White House. More important, Johnson believed the Kennedys wanted him off the ticket. Shortly after the Baker scandal broke, Johnson had dinner with friends, including Liz and Leslie Carpenter. Johnson's car took the couple home and Johnson rode with them. "Park in the driveway and let's talk a few minutes," Johnson said. "I think I'm going to announce that I'm not going to run again for vice president so that I can get off that ticket before they try to knock me off. What I would like to do is go back to Texas and be president of Southwest Texas State Teachers College."


 [Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 414, Leslie Carpenter oral history]

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