Friday, July 19, 2024

Five Very Interesting Things that Relate to Lyndon Johnson and the JFK Assassination

 1) Cong. Albert Thomas, the "winking congressman," was a COLLEGE ROOMMATE AT RICE UNIVERSITY with George Brown, who along with Herman Brown, was LBJ's top sugar daddy for decades. George Brown, while an executive at Halliburton, Kellogg Brown and Root, made a ton of money off of the Vietnam. KBR got some of the most lucrative contracts of the Vietnam War.

2) One of LBJ's first comments after the JFK assassination was saying, "Oh, I gotta get rid of my goddamn Halliburton stock."  - that is in Russ Baker's book Family of Secrets (p. 132).

2) Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade, roomed with John Connally during WWII while they were in the military, and also had previously worked for both Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. LBJ's aide Cliff Carter called Henry Wade 3 or 4 times the weekend of the JFK assassination and told him to NOT allege any conspiracy in the JFK assassination.

3) W.S. Bellows, an executive at Brown & Root sold LBJ his home at 1901 Dillman ... and the lien on LBJ's house was lifted within 8 days with no payment of the mortgage loan from LBJ

4) D.H. Byrd and James Ling, in November, 1963 both made large and timely insider share buys into LTV stock which was trading at about $16/share then. LTV stock traded as high as $169/share in 1967 after feasting on the Vietnam War (NYT is source of stock price).

D.H. Byrd and Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock in November of 1963 -confirmed. D.H. Byrd and his wife already had 35,000 shares of LTV before the timely November stock buys.

Fact: D.H. Byrd owned the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963 and he took out the "sniper's window" and displayed it as a trophy at his 16,000 sq. foot home that T. Boone Pickens later bought.


 [“Conglamerateur Extraordinaire: James J. Ling: With LTV a Memory, He’s taking his Act to the Oil Patch,” Leslie Wayne, NYT, July 12, 1981]

5) Sidenote: The Greatest Biographer in the History of the World, the pompous pontificator Robert Caro mentions NONE of the above in any of his four books on Lyndon Johnson.


Robert Morrow    Austin, TX

512-306-1510 landline    512-496-1293 cell phone

Cong. Albert Thomas – described as a protégé of Lyndon Johnson by Houston Culture web page


 Albert Thomas was Houston's Democratic congressman for 29 years, an LBJ protégé, instrumental in bringing NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center to the Bayou City. A year after his death, in 1967, the city opened the Albert Thomas Convention and Exhibit Center, in the structure Bayou Place now occupies. It cost $12 million and, in true Houston fashion, closed a mere two decades later upon construction of the George R. Brown Convention Center.

Thanks to preservation efforts when the convention center was reborn as Bayou Place in 1997, you can still see a replica of the room in which Thomas wielded his power, complete with photos of the congressman chumming it up with President Kennedy. A U.S. Congressional seal hangs on the back wall, while an old red book rests in the middle of his wooden desk; appropriately, it's titled Science in Space.

There will be a short program discussing Congressman Thomas' illustrious career and his important contributions to Houston. There will also be an opportunity to view his office.

The event will be limited to 150 guests (15 percent capacity) to provide for safe health protocols. Guests are asked to wear a mask and practice safe physical distancing. Advance reservations are required. Proceeds support the general operations of The Heritage Society.


Cecil Stoughton on the infamous LBJ-Albert Thomas wink photo on Air Force One that was taken after LBJ was sworn in

 Stoughton told author Richard Trask that the photo could have been “innocent or sinister. I lean toward the latter.”

 [Richard Trask, That Day in Dallas, p. 47]

 Cong. Albert Thomas, just after WWI, was a college roommate with George R. Brown who later became with his brother Herman Brown, Lyndon Johnson’s #1 sugar daddy


A worthy endeavor: How Albert Thomas won Houston NASA's flagship center (  - Sept 15, 2013, Houston Chronicle


 The story begins almost 100 years ago in the dorms of Rice University. Shortly after World War I, Thomas roomed with, and befriended George R. Brown


 Albert Thomas Find-a-Grave Albert Thomas (1898-1966) - Find a Grave Memorial


 U.S. Congressman. During World War I, he served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. After the war, he graduated from Rice Institute, in 1920, the law department of the University of Texas, in 1926, was admitted to the bar in 1927 and began a law practice in Nacogdoches, Texas. He was attorney of Nacogdoches County, (1927-30), assistant U.S. District Attorney for the southern district of Texas, (1930-36). In 1937, he was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-fifth and to the fourteen succeeding Congresses, serving until his death. At the time of his death, he was ranked eleventh in seniority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Also, his wife Lera Thomas was elected to complete his term and was the first woman to represent Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives.


 George R. Brown attended Rice University

Henry Wade 

"Washington's word to me was that it would hurt foreign relations if I alleged conspiracy-whether I could prove it or not. I was just to charge Oswald with plain murder and go for the death penalty. Johnson had Cliff Carter call me three or four times that weekend." -Henry Wade, Dallas District Attorney

Lyndon Johnson called his tax lawyer Waddy Bullion to sell his “goddamn Halliburton stock” on the day of JFK’s assassination

 LBJ makes call from Parkland Hospital; JFK’s corpse was still warm at this point and the phone call had to have occurred before 1:26PM when LBJ left for Air Force One


[Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, p. 132]


           Pat Holloway, former attorney to both Poppy Bush and Jack Crichton, recounted to me an incident involving LBJ that had greatly disturbed him. This was around 1PM on November 22, 1963, just as Kennedy was being pronounced dead. Holloway was heading home from the office and was passing through the reception area. The switchboard operator excitedly noted that she was patching the vice president through from Parkland Hospital to Holloway’s boss, firm senior partner Waddy Bullion, who was LBJ’s personal tax lawyer. The operator invited Holloway to listen in. LBJ was talking “not about a conspiracy or a tragedy,” Holloway recalled. “I heard him say: ‘Oh I gotta get rid of my goddamn Halliburton stock.’ Lyndon Johnson was talking about the consequences of his political problems with his Halliburton stock at a time when the president had been officially declared dead. And that pissed me off… It really made me furious.”

          There are many other examples of LBJ’s apparent unconcern after the assassination, though none so immediate. For instance, on the evening of November 25, LBJ and Martin Luther King talked, and LBJ said, “It’s just an impossible period – we’ve got a budget coming up.” That morning he told Joseph Alsop that “the President must not inject himself into, uh, local killings,” to which Alsop immediately replied, “I agree with that, but in this case it does happen to be the killing of the President.” Also, on the same day LBJ told Hoover, “We can’t be checking up on every shooting scrape in the country.”


 [Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, p. 132]

  Brown and Root, as a subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a bevy of lucrative contracts for the Vietnam War by Lyndon Johnson

 [“Halliburton Deals Recall Vietnam-Era Controversy,” John Burnett, All Things Considered, 12-24-2003]


 After Johnson took over the Oval Office, Brown & Root won contracts for huge construction projects for the federal government. By the mid-1960s, newspaper columnists and the Republican minority in Congress began to suggest that the company's good luck was tied to its sizable contributions to Johnson's political campaign.

More questions were raised when a consortium of which Brown & Root was a part won a $380 million contract to build airports, bases, hospitals and other facilities for the U.S. Navy in South Vietnam. By 1967, the General Accounting Office had faulted the "Vietnam builders" -- as they were known -- for massive accounting lapses and allowing thefts of materials.

Brown & Root also became a target for anti-war protesters: they called the firm the embodiment of the "military-industrial complex" and denounced it for building detention cells to hold Viet Cong prisoners in South Vietnam.


Henry Wade used to work for both Lyndon Johnson and the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover. And he was John Connally’s roommate in the Navy


He studied law at the University of Texas, joined the Navy, became an FBI agent, worked for Lyndon Johnson, and then in 1950 was elected Dallas County prosecutor, a job he held down without challenge for 36 years.


[“Roe v. Wade’s forgotten loser: The remarkable story of Dallas prosecutor Henry Wade,” Michael Rosenweld, Washington Post, 9-5-2018]

Henry Wade was a Navy roommate of John Connally during WWII and they were good friends. Connally, of course, was a longtime LBJ inner circle aide and supporter

Henry Wade, Warren Commission testimony of June 8, 1964


John Connally, you know, was shot also – and he was, he used to be a roommate of mine in the Navy and we were good friends, and are now – and the first thing I did then was went out to the hospital to see how he was getting along.


Roe v. Wade’s forgotten loser: The remarkable story of Dallas prosecutor Henry Wade


He studied law at the University of Texas, joined the Navy, became an FBI agent, worked for Lyndon Johnson, and then in 1950 was elected Dallas County prosecutor, a job he held down without challenge for 36 years.


Roe v. Wade’s forgotten loser: The remarkable story of Dallas prosecutor Henry Wade

Saturday, June 22, 2024

1961 - Attorney General Robert Kennedy covered up the murder of Henry Marshall because he Feared an LBJ-related murder scandal would taint the new Kennedy Administration


Abraham Bolden email to Robert Morrow on January 26, 2023 – 11AM CST

Below is an email that former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden sent to me yesterday 1/26/2023. I have yellow highlighted the critical portions. On June 3, 1961 U.S. agricultural official Henry Marshall was murdered in Robertson County, Texas: Henry Marshall ( 

    Bolden's email documents a loud, disturbing and eruptive fight, which Abraham Bolden personally observed, in the Oval Office that Lyndon Johnson had with President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy on or about June 28, 1961.     


    2) Lyndon Johnson orchestrated the murder of Henry Marshall on June 3, 1961 because Marshall was investigating the illicit activities of Billie Sol Estes, a man who later said he had given Lyndon Johnson $10 million in cash over the years, which is the equivalent to $90 million in today's cash. I think Billie Sol Estes himself and his brother were personally involved in the Marshall murder which was crooked ruled a suicide at the time.


    3) Background articles on this can be found here: How the 1962 Grand Jury on the Mysterious Death of Henry Marshall Was Abruptly Closed Down – LBJ: Master of Deceit ( 


    and Texas Observer's Bill Adler wrote about this in 1986


   Also here: Family of Henry Marshall Want 1961 Death Ruling Changed | AP News


    Abraham Bolden bio at Spartacus: Abraham Bolden was the first black Secret Service agent at the White House and although he was a favorite of JFK, he only spent a month there.


 Abraham Bolden has his own take on the JFK assassination, but please remember, he was a direct first hand witness to an eruptive fight Lyndon Johnson was having with the Kennedy brothers on June 28, 1961 in the Oval Office. I have highlighted the key sections in yellow. 


     Robert Kennedy and the U.S. Justice Dept covered up the 1961 Marshall murder because it was LBJ-related and they did not want a SCANDAL which would directly soil the Kennedy Administration at very high levels. Of course, Robert Kennedy was ready to destroy Lyndon Johnson and remove him from the ticket and that all came into high gear in the fall of 1963. LBJ was acutely aware of this ====> Dallas.


    I have attached what Texas Attorney General Will Wilson had to say about the Kennedy Administration's stonewalling in the Marshall murder investigation


What is significant is that Bolden in the past year or so has been telling people publicly for the first time about an eruptive argument between Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys (on or about approximately June 28, 1961) in the Oval Office while Bolden was on duty. (Privately Bolden has told this anecdote for years; I think he was scared that if he publicly revealed it, it would have hurt his pardon chances. Bolden got his much deserved pardon by Biden.)


This is not too long after the murder of Henry Marshall (June 3, 1961) which Lyndon Johnson had orchestrated because of Marshall's investigation into LBJ cash cow Billie Sol Estes.


I highlighted the relevant areas of Bolden's email.


Abraham Bolden email to Robert Morrow on January 26, 2023 – 11AM CST:





By: Ex-Special Agent Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.


We will enter into challenging and dangerous times in the year 2023. We could witness the collapse of America as a cohesive nation. Let us all pray that we, the American people, can endure the tribulations that are about to occur. The ancients were very wise in reading the future. The Honorable Elijah Israel taught," The Mayans and Natufians both prophesied that a great country would begin to fall in 2023". According to Brother Elijah, the numbers 2023, in that consecutive order, is mystic as:

2 = duality

0 = God

2+3= 5 .

5= The manifestation

5 +2=7 -

7 = The day Of Sabbath

The primary precipitating event is the well-planned conspiracy that resulted in the brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The conclusion of the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone does not agree with the facts!

During my employment as a Special Agent of the United States Secret Service, I witnessed activities by government agencies that had the motive and design to hoodwink the Americana Peoples . It is our prerogative to determine whether or not these facts would cause a reasonable man to reach an affirmative conclusion:

1. On or about June 28, 1961, a secret service agent guarded the main door leading into the Oval Office. At about 7 pm, Vice President LYNDON B.Johnson entered the office shouting vulgarities toward President John Kennedy and Attorney General ROBERT KENNEDY, who were waiting inside.

LBJ was livid.

"You bastards trying to send me to jail"? He shouted as he closed the door. The voices became muffled, but it was clear that Johnson was furious. The three engaged in a heated discussion, mostly between Bobby Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. The meeting lasted for about 20 minutes. As he left the office, Johnson turned toward the Kennedys, who were standing next to the Oval Office desk, and shouted," Yall better stop fucking with me, you son of a bitches."

As he left the office, Johnson made eye contact with the agent. Johnson's driver was meandering in the hallway leading to the Oval Office.

"Who is that boy standing over there by that goddammed door?" Johnson asked the driver.

The driver explained that he did not know the person but the person would have to be an FBI or Secret Service Agent to stand there.

2. On November 1, 1963, the country's leading generals launched a coup d'ét against the catholic President of Vietnam, NGO Diem. The United States and its industrial complex had already hatched plans to maintain a longstanding and profitable presence in Vietnam. President Kennedy disagreed with the Central Intelligence Agency. Diem and his younger brother, Nhu, initially escaped but were recaptured the following day and assassinated on the orders of Minh. Dương Văn Minh succeeded Diem as President.

President Kennedy was to attend Chicago for the Army-Air Force football game set for noon on November 2, 1963. During an agent security meeting, the Acting Special agent in Charge received a telephone from the FBI office in Chicago. The ASAIC told the gathered agents that the FBI received information from an informant named Lee. Lee had contacted the FBI with news that there would be an attempt to assassinate President Kennedy during the President's visit to Chicago. There was a discussion between the two regarding the jurisdiction and workforce needed to prevent the attempt. During the meeting, the ASAIC gave each agent a photo and the name of the man displayed in the picture. The person in the photo was phenotypically Hispanic and a member of a gun-running team that had arrived in Chicago from Detroit, Michigan in the latter half ofOctober 1963. Orders were to follow the suspect and report his whereabouts but not attempt to arrest or detain him for any reason.

An agent at the meeting reminded the Acting Special Agent In Charge that the mayor's event manager, Colonel Jack Reilly, and Sergeant Bob Linsky of the Chicago Police Department were enroute to the forum. When one of the agents suggested that we discuss the problem further before calling the United States Secret Service Chief with a recommendation, the ASAIC angrily replied that the only requests he had were that the agent sits down, shut the fuck up and operate in the agent's pay grade. After further discussion with the mayor's representatives and the Chief of the Secret Service, the President canceled the trip. The American press reported that the cancellation was due to the illness of the President.

After Kennedy's assassinated, all reports and references to the circumstances of the cancellation were removed from the office files.

3. During the administration, before the election of President Kennedy, a false flag operation was proposed by anti-Castro elements within the U.S. Government.

A catastrophic event orchestrated by internally trained government sponsored forces, was to occur in America and blamed on Fidel Castro. Like Diem, Castro was Catholic and ruled over a predominantly catholic population ". America wanted control of Cuba for the potential of cheap labor and natural resources. In the meantime, the American mafia wanted to turn Cuba into a competitor of Las Vegas and a replica of "sin city."

After Kennedy was assassinated, FBI agents seized all records regarding the alleged rifle purchase from Klein's gun shop in Chicago. Secret Service agents sent to investigate the purchase were told that the FBI had warned him not to discuss the purchase with the Secret Service. According to later information obtained by the SS from the FBI, the rifle was ordered by "A.Hidell." Immediately following the assassination, three shell casings were discovered under a window on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository.

A Dallas police officer told SS investigators that two rifles were found on the sixth floor. A shipping bag long enough to hold a gun was also discovered. Since Oswald had been employed at the depository for several months, the palm print could have no significance.

Below are facts,known by high government officials and security agencies,that support a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy:

a. The Acting U.S. Attorney General sent a memorandum to the White House advising that Lee Harvey Oswald must be named as a lone assassin of President Kennedy;

b. In October 1963, the Florida office of the secret service received information that President Kennedy was going to be assassinated by use of a high-power rifle fired from a warehouse building and that a Patsy was being used to take the blame;

" ' '''

c. In October 1963, a member of the anti-Castro Dre told the Chicago officials of the secret service that Kennedy would have killed and " Jews are financing the operation”The Secret Service case agent complained that an FBI agent destroyed his case by revealing the true identity of the secret service informant.

d. There was no ballistic, forensic, or indisputable evidence heard by the Warren Commission that tended to incriminate Oswald to the exclusion of other suspects detained in Dallas' Texas, on November 22, 1963.

The FBI forensics found Oswald's palm print on a box near the window where rifle shots were allegedly fired near the partially opened window. Attached to the bag was a label addressed to Lee Oswald. These items were photographed and taken into custody by the Dallas police.

5. Was there a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy? For over 50 years, many books have been written that delve into this question.

Some researchers deny a conspiracy. Many researchers and media label those who disagree as conspiracy kooks and theorists. Facts must answer such an important question. A reasonable mind must evaluate, classify, organize and analyze discoverable facts to arrive at Truth. Truth is "that which is," and falsehood is "the illusion that seems to be." Here is the irrefutable evidence that a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy and deprive the citizens of the world and this great country, America:

(a) In mid-October 1963, the Florida office of the United States Secret Service received information that "President Kennedy was about to be assassinated”.The assassin will fire a high-powered rifle from a warehouse building. A Patsy is being set up to take the blame for the murder of the President.

(b) In mid-October "1963, an informant of the Chicago office of the United States Secret Service successfully infiltrated the anti-Castro Cuban DRE organization. One of its leaders told the informant that "President Kennedy will be assassinated" and that the "Jews were financing the operation."

(c) The agent in Charge of the Chicago investigation complained that an FBI agent sabotaged his case by revealing the informant's relationship with the Secret Service.

(d) During the week of November 22, 1963, an agent stationed in Florida passed through Chicago from Austin, Texas. The agent complained about the President's racial integration policies. The agent ended his rant against the President by saying," Somebody should blow his fucking head off"!

7. On 11-24-63, Jack Ruby assassinated Oswald while he was being moved to an unknown location by members of the county sheriff and Dallas Police Department.

On November 26, 1963, two secret service agents in Charge of the Dallas investigation arrived in the Chicago office with the Acting Special agent in Charge. Later, three men entered the U.S.Secret Service office. Two men signed the log book as agents of the FBI. According to a secretary, the third person neither identified himself nor signed the entrance book. After the six men concluded their meeting, Agents assigned to Chicago were called to an emergency meeting and told:

a. To turn in ALL reports and notes regarding President Kennedy's visits to Chicago;

b. Do not discuss the Kennedy assassination with news media;

c. Any agent violating the above orders would "find his ass in a ringer."

8. In January 1964, ALL secret service agents were required to turn in their secret service identification commission books and update agent photographs. Newly engraved identification books were issued in March 1964.

9. Parafin tests performed on the face and hands of Lee Harvey Oswald were "inconclusive" as to the firing of a rifle or handgun on the day of the murder of President Kennedy.

10. An AR-15 automatic rifle, possessed by a secret service agent, was accidentally fired toward the presidential limousine during the assassination.

11. Two highly damaged bullet fragments were found on the floor of the presidential limousine. They were unrelated in caliber and unrelated to either weapon owned by Oswald.

Below are facts that support a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy:

a. A secret service witnessed an argument between LBJ, JFK, AND RFK inside the Oval Office in June 1961. LBJ accused Kennedy of trying to send LBJ to prison about some goddam cotton. Upon leaving the office, LBJ issued a veiled threat to the two Kennedy. The threat was reported to the witness agent's supervisors to no avail.

b. After the assassination, the Acting sent a memorandum to the White House stating that Lee Harvey Oswald had to be named as the lone assassin of President Kennedy

c. In October 1963, the Florida office of the secret service received information that President Kennedy was going to be assassinated by use of a high-power rifle fired from a warehouse building and that a Patsy was being used to take the blame.

d. In October 1963, a member of the antiCastro Dre told the Chicago officials of the secret service that Kennedy would bee killed and that the Jews were financing the operation. The secret service case agent complains that ab FBI agent destroyed his case by revealing the true identity of the secret service informant.

e. There was no ballistic, forensic, or indisputable evidence heard by the Warren Commission that tended to incriminate Oswald to the exclusion of other suspects detained in Dallas' Texas, on November 22, 1963.

f. There is not, nor has there ever been any ballistic, forensic tests or indisputable evidence heard by the Warren Commission that tended to incriminate Oswald to the exclusion of other suspects detained in Dallas' Texas, on November 22, 1963.


President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated by a secret reformative cabal that operated within the shows of the United States Government. The conspiracy has ancient origins and was established to prevent the usurpation of authority gained by the Protestant Reformation. Its aim and charter give it international jurisdiction to prevent the rise of Papacy authority within any country that was a party to the Protestant Reformation.

Because of Kennedy's growing national and international political popularity, his displayed willingness to forego or execute plans that tended to advance strategies and goals of the war-driven military-industrial complex, the independent wealth and number of possible inheritors of political power within the United States, Kennedy's election ultimately was feared as the beginning of a Kennedy dynasty supported by Papal rule over the people and political authority in America.


Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.
7632 South Sangamon Street
Chicago, Illinois 60620

Telephone : 1 (773) 488-4822

Fax:          : 1 (773) 409-0660


Robert Kennedy’s Justice Department would not cooperate with the state of Texas in solving the murder of U.S. agricultural official Henry Marshall; the Kennedys feared an LBJ-related murder scandal would infect the Kennedy Administration

[“Ex-Texas official says U.S. wouldn’t aid ’62 death probe,” David Hanners, Dallas Morning News, April 4, 1984]


By David Hanners

Staff Writer of The News

          Former Texas Atty. Gen. Will Wilson said Tuesday that federal authorities refused to cooperate with the state in a 1962 investigation of the death of an Agricultural Department official who was looking into the business dealings of Billie Sol Estes.

          Estes, a convicted swindler, told a Robertson County grand jury last month that the agricultural official, Henry Harvey Marshall, was killed because Marshall had uncovered information that could link then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson to Estes’ illegal activities, sources close to the grand jury said.

          Marshall died June 3, 1961, after being shot five times. Robertson County authorities ruled his death a suicide. When it became known a year later that Marshall had been investigating Estes’ illegal cotton allotments at the time of his death, Wilson, who was attorney general from 1956-1962, reopened the investigation.

          “It became quite evident to us early in the investigation that Marshall’s death was not a suicide, and secondly, we had a great deal of opposition from the federal government in cooperating with us at all,” said Wilson, 70, who is now retired and living in Austin.

          The 1962 grand jury upheld the suicide ruling. But last month’s Robertson County grand jury, after hearing testimony from Estes, U.S. Marshall Clint Peoples, forensic pathologist Josephy Jachimczyk and others, ruled that Marshall was murdered.

          Estes, who was granted immunity from prosecution in return for his testimony, said he, Johnson and two Johnson associates, Clifton Carter and Malcolm Everett Wallace, conspired to kill Marshall, sources said. The sources said Estes identified Wallace as the one who actually killed Marshall.

          Wilson said federal officials refused to turn over various reports and records that might have …

Please see U.S. on Page 6A – Dallas Morning News


Henry Marshall grave:

Check the newsclips on here


1985 AP article on Henry Marshall murder

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ A judge ruled today that the evidence is ″clear and convincing″ that the 1961 death of a U.S. Department of Agriculture official who was shot five times was homicide, not suicide.

The verdict by state District Judge Peter Lowry in the death of Henry Marshall followed a day-long trial on a request by Marshall’s son Don to change the cause of his father’s death.

At the time of his death, Marshall was investigating Billie Sol Estes, a flamboyant West Texan who eventually was convicted of fraud over a non- existent fertilizer business.

Estes gained more attention last year when he told a Robertson County grand jury that Marshall was killed on orders from then-Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Estes testified that he and Johnson discussed a need to stop Marshall from disclosing Estes’ fraudulent business dealings and his ties with Johnson, the Austin American-Statesman has reported.

Relatives and associates of Johnson have denied Estes’ accusations and say the ties Estes claims he had to the late president were exaggerated.

Marshall’s body was found June 3, 1961, on the family farm in Robertson County, north of Bryan. He had been shot five times and also had inhaled carbon monoxide.

A 1962 grand jury ruled the death a suicide. But the grand jury that heard Estes’ testimony ruled it a homicide. It issued no indictment or comment on the claim that Johnson was involved, saying only that those involved with the slaying were dead.

In state District Court on Monday, Don Marshall and his mother, Sybil, asked that the cause listed on Henry Marshall’s death certificate be changed from ″gun shot wounds - self-inflicted″ to ″gun shot wounds - homicide.″

Marshall said he only recently learned that the listed cause of death could be changed. Assistant Attorney General Lou Bright said a judge can order such a change if there is a satisfactory showing that the information listed is wrong.

Clint Peoples, a Texas Ranger who investigated Marshall’s death, testified Monday that he believed there was no question that Marshall was murdered. ″My opinion from the investigation prior and after is that someone went out there to make it look like a suicide,″ he said.

Peoples said he believes evidence shows that Marshall had ″a terrific struggle″ with someone and received several cuts on his head. He then inhaled carbon monoxide, possibly from the exhaust of his pickup. ″After that came the finishing off part with the rifle,″ Peoples said.

The shots came from a single-shot, bolt-action, .22-caliber rifle. Peoples demonstrated that Marshall, who had a partially crippled right hand, would have had to reach a full arm’s length away to pull the trigger while the barrel was aimed at his abdomen. That action would have had to have been repeated five times if the suicide theory is correct.

No autopsy was done until a year after Marshall’s death. Dr. Joseph Jachimczyk, chief medical examiner of Harris County, ruled the death a ″possible homicide and possible suicide.″

Estes refused to testify before the grand jury that declared the death a suicide. But Peoples said that when he escorted Estes to federal prison in 1965 they talked of Marshall’s death. Peoples quoted Estes as saying, ″You can bet your life it wasn’t suicide. It was murder.″ He told Peoples to look ″towards Washington″ for the killer.

When Estes was released from prison late in 1983, he contacted Peoples and gave him new information about Marshall’s death. Estes said he ″wanted to get right with the Lord,″ Peoples said.

Estes identified the late Malcolm Wallace, a former U.S. Agriculture Department economist, as the trigger man. Relatives and associates of Wallace denied Estes’ accusations.

Texas Attorney General Will Wilson was an enemy of Lyndon Johnson:


Will R. Wilson, Sr. (1969-1971)

Early History: Will Reid Wilson, Sr. was born in 1912 in Dallas, Texas. He earned a degree in geology at the University of Oklahoma and graduated first in his class from Southern Methodist University law school. Mr. Wilson then served as an aide to the Mayor of Dallas and as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Texas. During World War II, Mr. Wilson was a Major in the U.S. Army, accepting the surrender of Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita’s staff in the Philippines, and was awarded the Bronze Star for heroism in combat.

In 1946, Mr. Wilson was elected District Attorney of Dallas County. In 1950, he was elected to serve on the Texas Supreme Court as one of its youngest justices in history. He resigned from the bench in 1956 to run for Attorney General of Texas, a post in which he served until 1963 when he co-founded a law firm. In 1959, he received the Wyman Memorial Award, the highest honor of the National Association of Attorneys General.

Tenure: In 1969, President Richard Nixon appointed Mr. Wilson as Assistant Attorney General of the U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division. As Assistant Attorney General, he directed the Organized Crime Strike force. He served for two years before returning to Texas.

Later Career: Mr. Wilson later ran two ranches in Texas and served as director of the local water control and improvement districts. He wrote a book (A Fool for a Client) about the fall of President Nixon. Mr. Wilson died in 2005 in Austin, Texas.

2),of%20Texas%20from%201957%2D1963 .



Wilson did not seek a fourth two-year term as attorney general in 1962; instead he entered the Democratic gubernatorial primary against several prominent opponents, including incumbent Governor Marion Price Daniel, Sr. of Liberty, highway commissioner Marshall Formby of PlainviewGeneral Edwin A. Walker, who made anticommunism the centerpiece of his campaign, and the leading candidates, former U.S. Secretary of the Navy John Connally of Floresville, and liberal attorney Don Yarborough of Houston (no relation to his fellow liberal U.S. Senator Ralph W. Yarborough of Austin). In the campaign, Wilson was particularly critical of a politician not on the ballot: Lyndon Johnson. Wilson declared that Johnson had engineered Connally's candidacy because the vice president feared a Republican victory in Texas in 1962. According to Wilson, Johnson was engaged in "a move . . . to oust Price Daniel, oust me, oust Senator Ralph Yarborough and gain complete control of the state government."[7]

Ultimately, Connally narrowly won the nomination in a runoff against Yarborough and then defeated the strong Republican gubernatorial candidate in Texas since 1924, Jack Cox of Houston in the general election. Cox had lost the Democratic nomination to Governor Daniel in the 1960 party primary.[8] In 1964, Cox, a part of the conservative wing of his new party, lost the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate to George Herbert Walker Bush, also of Houston, and the future vice president and U.S. president.

On April 3, 1962 Billie Sol Estes bragged to a lawyer Frank Cain, telling him that he (Estes) could stop any federal investigation into him by telephoning Vice President Lyndon Johnson

Billie Sol Estes


April 20 – The Estes case was sent to a Texas state grand jury following conclusion of hearings before a Dallas court of inquiry conducted by State Attorney General Wilson.

Frank Cain, a lawyer representing the Pacific Finance Corporation of Los Angeles, which was then suing Estes, April 20 testified before the Dallas court that Estes had once told him that he could stop a federal investigation of his financial operations by telephoning Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. Cain said “I don't know whether he did or not, but the FBI went right ahead and he was arrested and in jail two days later.”

Cain said Estes told him that “pay-offs” cost him from $100,000 to $200,000 a year to keep up his contacts for his agricultural dealings. Cain said Estes made this comment after receiving a telephone call from a man identified as “Jamie Whitten.” Cain said Estes told him Whitten “really gets the job done on appropriations and agricultural programs.”

Rep. Jamie L. Whitten (D Miss.), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee's Agriculture Subcommittee, April 20 in an interview for the Dallas Times-Herald said “I never heard of this fellow (Estes) before I met him last January through some of my Texas colleagues…. What his business was I never knew. He never solicited any favors from me…and I never did anything for Estes.”

Wilson April 20 before the court read an unsigned letter to Estes which referred to Rep. H. Carl Andersen (R Minn.) as “a good Republican contact in Congress” for Estes. Wilson indicated the letter was written by William E. Morris. The letter, asking whether Estes would be interested in purchasing coal mine stock from Andersen, said: “He is really in a bind. He is really good about standing by his friends.”

James T. Ralph, a former Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, April 20 testified that Estes had urged him to accept gifts of clothing while on a Dallas shopping trip to the point where “it became embarrassing”, but said he had neither accepted the clothes as gifts nor bought them with his own money. Clerks from the Dallas Neiman-Marcus store testified that Ralph had tried on suits which were altered to fit him, that they were charged to Estes and sent to Estes at a Washington hotel.

Emery E. Jacobs declined to appear before the Dallas court on April 20 due to a “conflict in schedule.” He said he did intend to testify and would deny “any wrong-doing, either morally, legally or ethically.”

April 25 – Wilson called for a Congressional investigation of “widespread evidence” that “Washington political influence” was used in behalf of Estes. Wilson said the courts of inquiry he had conducted had produced evidence that Estes received “substantial favors” from the Agriculture Department.

April 25 – Estes was indicted on state charges of theft.


Lyndon Johnson used to call Billie Sol Estes at 3AM in the morning and tell him that he needed $500,000 by 9AM. Also, he said that the Kennedys were having him followed in 1962

JFK assassination researcher post on JFK on October 30, 2014 by someone posting as “RLC”


In the late 1990’s I was invited to a private (by invitation only) dinner. Billy Sol Estes was also a guest. I got to know Billy quite well and had a long conversation, about 4 hours, where we talked about everything from his childhood, how he made his first million. We discussed his relationship with LBJ and LBJ calling him at 3:00 am telling him he needed $500,000 by 9:00 am. I had not talked with for at least 4 years and just found out he passed away in May of 2013. He asked me not to mention anything about what he was telling me because people were after him and being followed again. What I mean by again is he said JFK and Robert Kennedy both were having him followed in 1962. He told me he could not leave his house without someone following him. He told me about Malcomb Wallace being LBJ’s hit man. I must admit he was very interesting but also must admit that he was scaring me. He told me more than I wanted to know. I cooked chili for everyone and Billy Sol spent the entire time outside with me. He also told me about his three different prison sentences and how he could have gotten a chance at early release if he returned the money he and LBJ embezzled with their non-existent grain silos and expose LBJ. He was more worried about Wallace than early release. He gave me a book and wrote me a note with his personal phone number. He also told me that LBJ had Wallace kill his daughters lover. He was always looking over his shoulder. He was a great business man



My blog post on this topic:  

Of course the Kennedys hated Lyndon Johnson and were going to get rid of him in 1963, but first they decided to commit a crime - they were accessories to murder after the fact in the death of Henry Marshall because they knew a Texas LBJ-related murder would do great damage to the Kennedy Administration. The plan was cover for LBJ now and get rid of him before the 1964 presidential election.

Why was he killed? Because he was investigating Lyndon Johnson's #1 cash cow Billie Sol Estes.

Who covered up the Henry Marshall murder in 1961-1962? LBJ's local goons in Robertson County ruled the obvious murder of Henry Marshal to be a suicide; the the federal government -  meaning both the FBI and the Justice Dept. stepped in to make sure that a 1962 Robertson County grand jury did not change the original ridiculous suicide ruling to a murder (which would have pointed right at Lyndon Johnson and Billie Sol Estes.

Who was Will Wilson? He was the Texas Attorney General and he was anti-Lyndon Johnson and he knew damn well that Henry Marshall had been murdered and that the Kennedy Administration was leading the charge to cover up this murder because it involved Lyndon Johnson.