Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Richard Calvin Dodd and James Leon Simmons were 2 EXCELLENT witnesses that prove JFK was being shot at from behind the fence line on Grassy Knoll


The FBI warped the interviews of both men and the Warren Commission avoided them like the plague because they prove JFK was being shot at from behind the fence line on the Grassy Knoll. - Robert Morrow 3/6/25

Mark Lane interview of Richard Calvin Dodd, who along with S.M. Holland was standing on the Triple Overpass with a Bird’s Eye view of the JFK assassination and the Grassy Knoll.

Railroad Worker Richard Dodd - Witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy


Railroad worker Richard Calvin Dodd was standing on top of the triple underpass, in front of John F. Kennedy's presidential motorcade on Elm Street LANE. Did you see anything which might indicate to you where the shots came from? DODD. Well, we all four seen about the same thing. The shots, the smoke came from behind the hedge on the north side of the plaza. And a motorcycle policeman dropped his motorcycle in the street with his gun in his hand and run up the embankment to the hedge. And then I went North to look around the corner to see if there is anyone behind the hedge and met special agent of the railroad. And he went down there, and I walked along with him to see if there were any tracks there. In which there were tracks and cigarette butts was laying where someone was stranding on the bumper looking over the fence or something. LANE. Where you questioned by agents of any government agency on November 22, Mr. Dodd. DODD. Yes, we were. We were taken over to the court house and questioned by I suppose Secret Service men of some kind. Asked me quite a few questions about the same as I’ve told you here today. This clip is from Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment (1967)


1) with 3 Railroad friends, including S.M. Holland on the Triple Overpass

2) All 4 men saw smoke coming from being the hedge, the fence on the Grassy Knoll

3) looked behind fence and saw tracks and cigarette butts, near where someone had been standing on a bumper looking over a fence

4) questioned by Secret Service

5) Never called as a witness by the Warren Report

Richard Calvin Dodd (1906-1967) Find-A-Grave

Richard Calvin Dodd (1906-1967) - Find a Grave Memorial


His parents were Nute Dodd & Edna Southern.

Social Security Number 707-16-6285

Occupation: Track Supp. - Union Terminal, Dallas (On Death Certificate).

He is buried next to his wife, LaRue Phillips Dodd (Died in 1968).

Eyewitness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He was standing next to Sterling Mayfield Holland, on the overpass on Elm Street. Dodd was also certain that a shot came from behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll, and also saw the puff of smoke. He was adamant that the FBI falsified his report from what he had told them.


Just Look at this Pitiful Interview by THE FBI of Richard Calvin Dodd and look at all of the critical information the FBI intentionally left out of it’s report: namely the puff of smoke coming from the Grassy Knoll fence line!!

CE 1420 - FBI interview of Richard Calvin Dodd



Date 3/18/64

Mr. RICHARD CALVIN DODD, 1216 South Tyler, Dallas, Texas, was interviewed at Lamar and Henning Street n Dallas, and furnished the following information:

Mr. DODD stated he is employed as a track supervisor for the Union Terminal Company, 500 South Houston Street, Dallas, and was so employed on November 22, 1963. On this date, he took up a position on the Elm Street railroad viaduct overlooking the route used by the Presidential motorcade on this date. Mr. DODD stated that when the motorcycle escort and the automobile carrying President KENNEDY approached the area where he was standing his attention was directed on President KENNEDY. He stated he first realized something was wrong when he saw president KENNEDY slump forward and simultaneously heard shots ring out. He stated he did not know how many shots were fired, but that the sounds were very close together. Mr. DODD advised that his attention remained on President KENNEDY; he did not look up and did not know where the shots came from.

Mr DODD stated he did not know LEE HARVEY OSWALD and had never met or seen JACK RUBY.

on 3/17/64 at Dallas, Texas File # DL 100-10461

By Special Agent THOMAS T. TRETTIS JR. & E.J. Robertson Date Dictated 3/17/64


Mark Lane interview of James Leon Simmons – saw puff of smoke coming out from the fence line on the Grassy Knoll

Railroad Worker James Leon Simmons - Witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

1) loud explosion, sounded like it came from the fence line of the Grassy Knoll

2) puff of smoke came from fence on Grassy Knoll

3) ran around to the back of the fence on the Grassy Knoll, no one was there

4) footprints in the mud

5) footprints on the railing of the fence

6) questioned by FBI

7) Not called as a witness by the Warren Commission


James Leon Simmons stood atop the triple overpass with fellow workers S.M. Holland and Richard C. Dodd. LANE. What did you see and what did you hear? SIMMONS. As the presidential limousine was rounding the curve on Elm Street, there was a loud explosion. At the time I didn’t know what it was, but it sounded like a loud firecracker or a gun shot. Ann it sounded like it came form the left and in front of us towards the wooden fence. And there was a puff of smoke that came underneath of the trees on the embankment. LANE. Where was the puff of smoke Mr Simmons in relation to the wooden fence? SIMMONS. It was right directly in front of the wooden fence.... LANE. After you heard the shots and saw the smoke, what did you do? SIMMONS. I was talkin with Patrolman Foster at the time. And as soon as we heard the shots we ran around to the wooden fence. And when we got there there was no one there. But there was footprints in the mud around the fence, and there was footprints on the wooden two by four railing on the fence. LANE. Were you questioned by Dallas Police that day? SIMMONS. Yes, I was. LANE. Did you give your name to the Dallas Police? SIMMONS. Yes, I did. LANE. Did you tell them what you just told me? SIMMONS. Yes, I did. LANE. Were you subsequently questioned by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. SIMMONS. About a month later I was questioned by the FBI. LANE. Did you tell them what you told me and what you told the Dallas Police? SIMMONS. Yes, I did. This clip is from Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment (1967)


James Leon Simmons (1929-1980)– Find-A-Grave

James Leon Simmons – FBI interview 3/17/64 – covering up that Simmons obviously thought a shot or shots to JFK came from behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll


Simmons said he thought he saw exhaust fumes of smoke near the embankment in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building. Simmons then ran toward the Texas School Book Depository Building with a policeman. He stopped at a fence near the Memorial Arches and could not find anyone.
Simmons advised that it was his opinion the shots came from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository Building.


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