Monday, October 31, 2022

Teenage Lyndon Johnson once took a stick of dynamite and blew up a stray dog in the town square of Johnson City, circa 1926


Teenager Lyndon Johnson: blowing up a stray dog with dynamite for kicks: circa 1926 when he was age 18

 Barr McClellan: 

          “Even before his teenage years, Johnson caused fatal injuries to an animal when he tortured and killed a mule. Allegedly concerned that the mule was thirsty, he had forced it to drink water and then drove it mercilessly. Not surprisingly, the animal collapsed and died. Johnson looked on with a strange amazement that turned to remorse only after his father had confronted him.

          Later, as a young adult, Johnson committed a series of dangerous pranks, including setting off explosives in the town square. In a destructive spree that centered on blasting dynamite in the town square, Johnson trapped a mongrel dog with the target, again killing a helpless animal.”

 [Barr McClellan, Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ killed JFK, p. 34]

 McClellan footnote on the “LBJ blowing up a dog for kicks” story:

 “12. This second known killing [blowing up a stray dog with dynamite] was related to me by Emmette Redford, a childhood friend of Johnson. Redford had anticipated a good job with Johnson and did not get it. He may have revealed this unthinkable event because of his resentment to what he considered unfair treatment from Johnson.”

 [Barr McClellan, Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ killed JFK, p. 345]

 Barr McClellan to Robert Morrow on Feb. 24, 2020:


 Emmette Redford was a longtime and dear friend of LBJ. Redford was also good friends with Paige Keeton and Redford told Barr McClellan many stories about LBJ. Barr thinks Redford may have been in college with LBJ. Redford was a Professor of Government at the Univ. of Texas.


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