Friday, October 28, 2022

Lee Harvey Oswald was a completely innocent CIA patsy for the JFK asassination & his childhood idol was anti-communist FBI operative HERBERT PHILBRICK

Folks, Lee Harvey Oswald is the most defamed, slandered and lied about person in American history. Lee Harvey Oswald was not a communist, not a Marxist and not a pro-Castro supporter, despite his public pretenses of being a Marxist pro-Castro supporter. Oswald LOVED JFK (unlike Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover and Allen Dulles) and the Kennedy family and there are many sources on this. Oswald was a huge fan of James Bond and he even read 4 James Bond books in summer, 1963 in New Orleans and Oswald was reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich in summer, 1963. Solzhenitsyn is known as one of the greatest anti-communist activists in world history.

Oswald as a teen adored Herbert Philbrick, a man who worked in counterintelligence for the FBI as he PRETENDED TO BE A COMMUNIST as he broke up commie rings at the height of the Red Scare. This is who Oswald wanted to be and who he became and this set him up to be used by his Machiavellian CIA superiors as a pre-selected patsy in the JFK assassination.

Sadly, one of the biggest lies told about Oswald was by his widow Marina Oswald (later Porter) who in late December, 1963 started telling people that Oswald came in one night and admitted to trying to murder Gen. Edwin Walker on April 10, 1963. That never happened and Marina Oswald was trying to save the lives of herself and her two young children June and Rachel, who was a mere baby. As Marina told Jesse Ventura in 2010 "Is the truth more important than your children?" 

Marina Oswald Porter has lived a pretty good life since 1963 and it is high time that she quit LYING about her dead husband, the completely innocent CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. I think this is why she no longer does interviews: she has the choice of continuing her decades-long slander of Oswald OR continuing to tell wretched lies about the father of her two children. Perhaps silence still seems the best option for her. If it were me, I would finally tell the truth about Oswald, even if it were decades late.

Larry Wheeler on the Military Background of Lee Harvey Oswald:


Email to Robert Morrow on 11-21-2021:




Oswald tried to enlist in the marine Corp at 16.  He did enlist at 17 years old.  When he was 15 Oswald was  in the Civil Air patrol. A military style boy scout organization..  Oswald even accepted orders to defect behind the iron curtain at the height of the cold War for America. He was unaware how his fake commie profile was used to kill jfk and frame him. Lee's mother should get credit for telling the truth about her son being an agent for the Cia or American military intelligence.  




Robert Morrow adds: let’s not forget that just before that Oswald as a young teen was utterly obsessed with the radio and TV show I Led Three Lives, the story of FBI informer Herbert Philbrick whose game was to infiltrate communist rings so that the FBI could break them up. We know that critical nugget because Robert Oswald told us about it in his book Lee: A Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by His Brother which was published in 1967.


Larry Wheeler email again on Lee Harvey Oswald’s military background. Email to Robert Morrow on 12-5-21:




I agree that Oswalds real true profile was most likely a patriotic pro military American.   I mean who tries to enlist at 16, then comes back at 17 to join the marine corps.   Joining the Civil Air patrol at 15 is not the reality of a Marxist.   Every civil air patrol member was either headed for the military or had generations of family members in the military.  It's like going to a Texas American legion post in 1963 and finding a left wing pro Castro Marxist.  Your right, the media was in the tank for the Cia psych warfare expert David Phillips.  He was from ft worth, so he had Cia assets in the Texas oil companies.   Many connected Texas and Louisiana cronies not only got away with high treason and murdering jfk, but they murdered a young man who was hoping to get a job at the nasa base in New Orleans.  




[Larry Wheeler email to Robert Morrow on 12-5-2021]

CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald’s favorite show as a kid was about counter-intelligence, “I Led Three Lives: Citizen, ‘Communist,’ and Counterspy”


Herbert Philbrick, a Boston advertising executive who infiltrated the U.S. Communist Party on behalf of the FBI in the 1940s, wrote a bestselling book on the life of a double agent, "I Led Three Lives: Citizen, 'Communist', Counterspy" (1952).

"I Led Three Lives" was an American television show which was syndicated by Ziv Television Programs from 1953 to 1956 and lasted 117 episodes. The part of Philbrick was played by Richard Carlson.

According to Judyth Vary Baker, Lee Harvey Oswald's girlfriend in New Orleans, "I Led Three Lives" was Oswald's favorite TV show.

This particular film was produced before the Bay of Pigs fiasco which Oswald was believed by some to have participated in with David Ferrie, his instructor in the Lousiana Civil Air Patrol.

Conspiracy theorists believe that Oswald was the "lone nut assassin" who killed JFK.

To maintain this farce requires ignoring his family's long involvement with organized crime in New Orleans, his personal involvement with New Orleans-based anti-communists, and his strange status as a US Marine who "defected" to the Soviet Union and was permitted back in the US with the financial support of the US State Department. In the midst of all this, Oswald posed dramatically, though unconvincingly, as a Castro sympathizer.


Robert Oswald said that his brother Lee Harvey Oswald’s favorite TV show was I Led Three Lives about an FBI informant Herbert Philbrick who pretended to be a Communist. I wonder if this is what inspired completely innocent CIA Oswald to go into counterintelligence for the U.S. government?


A key page from Robert Oswald’s book –


          The center of Lee’s fantasy world shifted from radio to television when Mother bought a television set in 1948. When it was new, all of us spent far too much time watching variety shows, dramas and old movies. Lee, particularly, was fascinated. One of his favorite programs was I Led Three Lives, the story of Herbert Philbrick, the FBI informant who posed as a Communist spy. In the early 1950’s, Lee watched that show every week without fail. When I left home to join the Marines, he was still watching the reruns.


[Robert Oswald, Lee: Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by His Brother, p. 47]

I Led Three Lives starring with Richard Carlson, ran on TV from 1953 to 1956.

Note: Oswald was born on Oct. 18, 1939:

The TV drama I Led Three Lives ran from Oct. 1, 1953 to Jan. 1, 1956. Oswald would have been age 13-16 during this time period:

There was also a radio version of I Led Three Lives that I think ran before the TV show did.

Robert Oswald joined the Marines in 1952 and I am sure Lee Harvey Oswald was ALREADY A FAN of Herbert Philbrick and I Led Three Lives by listening to the RADIO SHOW version which preceded the TV SHOW version of I Led Three Lives.

Donald Willis comment on July 5, 2021:


However, Wikipedia notes that the "companion" show "I Was a Communist for the FBI" began April 23, 1952 and was based on the 1951 movie of the same title.  Perhaps the Oswalds confused the two shows and the movie.  At any rate, it's just possible that reruns of this show began before July.  Not likely, but it's not that cut-and-dry....


Tom Calarco email to Robert Morrow on 8-4-2022 – regarding Herbert Philbrick


I did a profile on Herb Philbrick.  Nicest guy you'd ever want to meet.  He was in semi-retirement working for a weekly in southern NH, 34 years ago.


Teenage Oswald to William Wulff, the head of the New Orleans Astronomy Club: “I like to infiltrate.”

Joan Mellen:


Among the most telling details about Oswald emerged in the testimony of William Wulff, who had been head of the Astronomy Club of New Orleans. One day Oswald showed up, wanting to be a member, although it was clear he had no interest in astronomy. Wulff asked him why he wanted to join the Astronomy Club.

“I like to infiltrate,” Oswald the teenager said, even then a person who preferred the company of others to being alone. At the same time, he cultivated invisibility, as if he were transparent. Infiltrating, he could follow the path laid out by that favorite of his fictional characters, FBI informant Herbert Philbrick, hero of “I Led Three Lives.” A caveat: it was Oswald’s brother Robert alone who gave out that Lee watched obsessively “I Led Three Lives,” while, as John Armstrong points in his book, “Harvey & Lee,” Robert is less than credible.

In his book “Lee,” Robert Oswald wrote that when he left home to join the Marines, Lee was still watching the reruns of “I Led Three Lives.” In fact, Robert joined the Marines on July 15, 1952, and the re-runs were not aired until after the series ended, in mid-1956. Oswald may have watched “I Led Three Lives,” but it wasn’t as his brother said. The program was first aired in September 1953.


Robert Morrow: I believe there was a radio program of I Led Three Lives that ran before the TV program did.

I Led Three Lives was a radio program before it was a TV program

Web link:


"This is the fantastically true story of Herbert A. Philbrick, who for nine frightening years lived three lives...average citizen, high-level member of the Communist Party, and counterspy for the Federal Bureau of Investigation." Based on the best-selling book, I Led 3 Lives kept TV viewers in nail-biting suspense for three seasons in syndication. It told the true story of Herbert Philbrick, a Boston ad executive who for nine years infiltrated the Communist Party at the request of the FBI. In 1949, the Justice Department called on Philbrick as a witness in the Smith Act trials of Communist Party leaders, breaking his cover and effectively ending his usefulness as an FBI operative. Afterwards he documented his experiences in a book, I Led Three Lives: Citizen, 'Communist', Counterspy. This series, inspired by Philbrick's exploits, is a reminder of those heady days of Cold War paranoia, when a Communist spy could be waiting around every corner.SECRET CALL: The premiere episode, in which Philbrick receives a coded phone message about an urgent meeting of Communist Party members. He must relay this information to his superiors at the FBI without making his "comrades" suspicious. DOPE PHOTOGRAPHIC: A Communist narcotics ring is trading illegal drugs for American defense secrets.CAMPUS STORY: Philbrick discovers that the Communists are recruiting future party members at his former alma mater. Guest-starring scream queen Yvette Vickers.THE SPY: The Communists believe that one of their members is a spy for the U.S. government...but it isn't Philbrick! Instead, Philbrick is ordered to kill this supposed spy, who might actually be his ally. Note: Due to the age and rarity of these shows, some picture anomalies exist.


Judyth Vary Baker post on June 25, 2004 on Education Forum regarding “I Led Three Lives” – My reply is that there was a RADIO SHOW of I Led Three Lives that preceded the TV show and Oswald was a big fan of both shows.

I Led Three Lives:

To all:

some people accept without question certain statements, such as, Lee could not have watched I LED THREE LIVES in Fot. Worth.

Lee was, in fatc, watching I LED THREE LIVES when he was living in New York (actual report to me). I believe his brother visited him there-- Robert Oswald--and while it is true that Lee liked to indulge in fantasies when he was young, so do other bright young people who have a fascination with adventure stories and so on.

There are answers I will offer, if the heat goes to a blaze again trying to 'prove' THERE ARE TWO OSWALDS... I noticed a nice photo collection, and comments that these had to be two different people, when in fact, I have a collection of photos of myself showing similar variations. Plus, Lee's chin is darkened and made to look square in photos taken after his arrest. I've blown some of these up -- and you can see a 'smirk'enhanced on the most ugly of Lee's arrest photos. Where he looks very sad, blown up, you can clearly see the chin has been made into a square.

You can tell, using forensic methods, that these are pictures of the same man (except one which I doubt provenance for anyway) -- interpupillary measurements, measurement of lip to nose, etc., etc. AQ young man changes a lot between fifteen and twenty four facuially. It's even worse when photos have been doctored, apparently to match the backyard photos. His arrest photo of Nov. 22 doesn;t sow the same chin. Look carefully at the New Orleans photos. There also fingerprints were taken that match the fingerprints taken in Dallas. Yet the faces look different, especially the chins.

The tampering of Lee included, IMHO, also his photos, and unless you have a first generation photo, forget it.

Having said all this, would like comments about

the following, which is brought in from JFK LANCER:

(sincerely, JVB)

One of the first attacks on LEE Oswald's childhood character came from an unempected source--HIS OLDER BROTHER ROBERT OSWALD. Robert co-authored a book, LEE, in which he wrote that his brother was living in a fantasy world at age 12....

"All of us had our dreams and fantasies, but Lee's always lingered a little longer. The center of Lee's fantasy world shifted from radio to television when Mother bought a television set in 1948. When it was new, all of us spent far too much time watching variety shows, dramas, and old movies. Lee, particularly, was fascinated. One of his favorite programs was I LED THREE LIVES, the story of Herbert Philbrick, the FBI informant who posed as a Communist spy. In the early 1950's, LEE watched that show every week without fail. When I left home to join the Marines, he was still watching the reruns."

Robert's testimony to the Warren Commission, interviews, statments to reporters, and his book, "LEE", clearly gave the impression that his dead "brother" was living in a fantasy world at the age of 12. Robert's willingness to readily share family "secrets" with the public seemed somewhat out of character, so I (John Armstrong) decided to check the accuracy of Robert's statements.

I knew that Robert Oswald joined the Marines and left for San Diego on July 15, 1952 and was curious when the television program I LED THREE LIVES first aired on television. At the local library I found a book entitled THE COMPLETE DIRECTORY TO PRIME TIME NETWORK AND CABLE TV SHOWS 1946-PRESENT. According to this book, I LED THREE LIVES was first relased in September, 1953---a year and two months after Robert Oswald left Fort Worth and joined the Marines.

There were 117 episodes and the original show ran thru mid 1956. Re-runs were aired years later, but only after the series ended in mid-1956. Lee Oswald could NOT possibly have watched I LED THREE LIVES in the summer of 1952, nor could he have watched re-runs which did not start until mid-1956.

When Robert Oswald left home to join the Marines on July 15, 1952, LEE could not possibly have watched I LED THREE LIVES, and there are no other indication that he was living in a "fantasy world". These facts indicate that Robert invented this story in an attempt to malign his "dead" brother, and for what purpose?

Robert, by cleverly combining fact and fiction, helped tocreate a false picture that his dead "brother" had serious psychological problems which originated in his youth. Robert's testimony was used by the Warren Commission to concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was a mal-adjusted youth who was capable of assassinating the President. 

Good Daily Mail article on the possessions of Oswald – although the article slanders him as the murderer of JFK


Robert Morrow          512-306-1510     Austin, TX

Presidential Historian and Distinguished Fellow at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Institute for the Study of Presidential Crime

The World’s Foremost Authority on the JFK Assassination

The Top Historian in the World on Lyndon Johnson (sorry Robert Caro, it is not you …)

The Greatest Presidential Historian in American History

One of the World’s leading public intellectuals due to my sparkling expertise in the JFK assassination

America’s Premier Living Historian

Knows more about the JFK assassination than every Presidential Medal of Freedom winner EXCEPT Lyndon Johnson (1980 posthumous recipient) who orchestrated the murder of JFK.

One of the top Menches in the United States. “Mensch” being a person of integrity, honor and noble character.

The “Muhammed Ali of the JFK Assassination research community” meaning, I am the Greatest analyst in the world of JFK research and I know it.

One of the top two of the Greatest JFK Assassination Researchers of all time, superceded only by Joachim Joesten who nailed the JFK assassination in real time in the 1960’s.

Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Oliver Stone who can’t figure out that LBJ murdered JFK because “Vietnam” is Stone’s hammer and he thinks everything is a nail.

Nation’s #1 Opposition Researcher on the Clintons & the author of The Clintons’ War on Women (published 2015)

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors of history and politics who have ever taught at Princeton University combined.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than every “credentialed” or “degreed” journalist or academic in this World of 7,983,378,450 people (as of 10/24/2022)

Up and Coming Scholar on the USS Liberty Murders which were orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson and the leaders of Israel and were to be blamed on Egypt to give the USA a pretext to enter the Six Day War

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the 27 Smartest People on the Planet combined. (See “Here is a List of the 27 Smartest People On the Planet,” by Osien Kuumar)

Smarter by a country-mile, generously better informed and significantly less egotistical than the New Yorker’s (lone nutter) Lawrence Wright.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors at Princeton, Harvard , Yale, Stanford, the University of Texas at Austin and SMU and anyone who has ever written for the New York Times or Washington Post combined.

Can out-debate 40 Ivy League professors of history and politics on the topic of the JFK assassination at one time.

Knows far more about the JFK assassination than anyone who has ever posted at Education Forum, although that can be a very useful web site.

Obviously, I know more about the JFK assassination than every professor, fellow and expert at the Univ. of Virginia's Miller Center on the Presidency combined.

Generously better informed and significantly more intelligent than EVERY journalist I have ever met, spoken with or interacted with, with the exception of the legendary Wayne Madsen.

Runs the best blog on the internet on the many crimes of Lyndon Johnson and the topic of the JFK assassination at “Robert Morrow Political Research” blog

 A lot smarter than anyone who has ever written for Texas Monthly, the Texas Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, D Magazine, The New Yorker, The Daily Beast or the Washington Post; or who has ever reported for WFAA Dallas or KLBJ radio Austin, with the exception of the Midlothian Mirror.

Understands Texas politics better than anyone else has in the past 60 years.

One of the USA’s leading thought leaders.

Far more knowledgeable and accurate than the Sixth Floor Museum on the topic of the JFK assassination. Executive director hilarious (lone nutter) Nicola Langford and curator Steve Fagin do not know a tenth of a thimble compared to what I know.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the 8,000 scholars and scientists combined who have been fellows at the Princeton, NJ Institute for Advanced Study in its 90-year history

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of all recipients of the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science which has been awarded since 1995

Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Ken Jennings (lone nutter), who won 74 consecutive Jeopardy contests and is the highest earning American game show contestant of all time.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined membership of the ultra high IQ Mega society which is only composed of people with an IQ level of one in a million.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever been members and subject matter experts at the Council on Foreign Relations combined except for those members who were involved in the murder of JFK from their roles in U.S. intelligence

Knows more about the JFK assassination that all the people who have received MacArthur Fellow “genius grants” combined since the program began in 1981.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever received a Whiting Writers’ Award or a Guggenheim Fellowship combined.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than any single person alive since 1963 who has a tested IQ score of 175 and above.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than Mel Kiper knows about the NFL draft.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the entire lot of the living 4,500 Rhodes Scholars who are in over 100 countries around the world.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all 250 members of the Texas Philosophical Society combined.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined membership of the Society of Fellows at the Aspen Institute as well as the entire Board of Trustees of the Aspen Institute.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the collective knowledge of all pathologists, medical examiners and ballistic experts who have ever practiced in the history of the USA.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of the current and past members of the American Historical Association, the Society of American Historians or Organization of American Historians.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of everyone who has won a Pulitzer Prize.

Knows more about the JFK assassination and Lyndon Johnson than the combined knowledge of everyone who has ever won: a Century Association Archives medal, a National Book Foundation medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, a Los Angeles Book Prize in Biography, a Plutarch Award from the Biographers International Organization, the Mark Lynton History Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, The New York Historical Society’s American History Book Prize, a Gold Medal for Distinguished Service to Humanity from the National Institute of Social Sciences, Norman Mailer Prize for Distinguished Biography, a Biographers International Organization Award for major contribution to the advancement of the art and craft of biography, a History Makers Medal (the highest honor of the New York Historical Society, a Bookend Award (the highest honor of the Texas Book Festival), a Gold Medal in Biography (awarded once every six years by the American Academy of Arts and Letters), the Ambassador Book Award for Distinguished Achievement from the English-Speaking Union, the John Steinbeck Award, Carl Sandburg Literary Award (from the Chicago Public Library Foundation), the National Book Award in Nonfiction, a Pulitzer Prize, a New School for Social Research – Doctor of Humane Letters, Lifetime Achievement Award for the Guild Hall Academy of Arts, a National Book Critics Circle Award, a Washington Monthly Political Book Award, an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, H.L. Mencken Award for Best Book, an American Institute of Architects Special Citation, Francis Parkman Prize (awarded by the  Society of American Historians), a Carnegie Fellowship at the Columbia University School of Journalism, a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University, a Deadline Club Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, a Society of Silurians Award for outstanding achievement in the field of public service or been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences or been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters or been inducted into any state’s or country’s Writer’s hall of fame or who has been made an honorary member of the Texas Rangers or been named a Living Landmark by the New York Landmarks Conservancy.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of everyone who has received a Nobel Prize in any field.

If Professor K. Anders Ericsson (deceased) were alive, this internationally renown “experts on experts” would sure proclaim me as the “World’s Greatest Expert on the JFK Assassination.”

Unlike CFR member Max Boot I have never written a biography which proves that Gen. Edward Lansdale murdered JFK (“The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam”) and then hollered at the top of my lungs that a lone nut commie killed JFK.

Knows spectacularly more about the JFK assassination than former Dallas Morning News reporter Bill Minutaglio (later a professor) and whose knowledge and analysis of the JFK assassination is a TAD LACKING, to say the least.

Unlike Texas Tribune editor Evan Smith, I was not personal friends with the wife of the murderer of JFK, Lyndon Johnson, nor did I ever chum up to her and call her “Mrs. J” and nor have I taken money from the daughter of Lyndon Johnson, Luci Baines Johnson. [“Mrs. J,” Evan Smith, Texas Monthly, September 2007 and Texas Tribune All Time List of donors: Luci Baines Johnson & her husband Ian Turpin - $149,097 as of 1/5/2022.]

Unlike longtime columnist Michael Barnes of the Austin-American Statesman I don’t pal around with ultra wealthy Luci Baines Johnson while somehow weirdly forgetting to mention in the Austin paper for literally decades that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK.

Unlike LBJ biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin, I have never had the man who murdered JFK – Lyndon Johnson – ask me to marry him (“A Tale of Hearts and Minds, Sally Quinn, Washington Post, 8-24-75)

Unlike LBJ biographer Robert Caro, I have was never co-opted by one of the men – LBJ crony Ed Clark – who murdered JFK (see “Blood, Money, and Power” by Barr McClellan, published 2003)

Unlike LBJ biographer Robert Dallek, I do not endorse the ludicrous, machine gun-riddled Warren Report fantasy that Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, the KGB, Gerald Ford, Sen. Richard Russell, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, Cong. Hale Boggs, Sen. Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, CIA chief William Casey, JFK aides Kenny O’Donnell and Dave Powers, and LBJ’s inner circle mistress Madeleine Brown, LBJ kickbacks king Billie Sol Estes and and JFK’s longtime secretary Evelyn Lincoln never believed.

Unlike LBJ biographer Michael Beschloss, I was never a personal friend of Lady Bird Johnson, the wife of the man Lyndon Johnson, who murdered JFK and I have never implied that Fidel Castro might be behind the JFK assassination.

Unlike LBJ biographer Randall Woods, I have never slandered completely innocent CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination which was orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson (Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 417-418)

Unlike LBJ biographer Julian Zelizer, I have never defamed Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK, a crime that Lyndon Johnson committed.

Unlike Senior News Reporter Jason Whitely of WFAA (Dallas) I have never pushed the fantasy that a lone nut named Oswald killed JFK.

Unlike the LBJ Library, I have not erected museum exhibits that endorse the validity and accuracy of the truly bonkers Warren Report that not even Lyndon Johnson believed for one minute.

Has an IQ closer to 140 than 130

Princeton, A.B. – History, 1987

Univ. of Texas at Austin -- MBA, 1990

Tuscaloosa Academy, graduated #3 out of 40 students. Recipient of TA’s highest academic honor, 1983


Star basketball player for Tuscaloosa Academy from 1980-1983, leading my teams to a 114-5 record over 4 years. The last years were an unblemished 90-0 with 3 consecutive private school state championships. I was my teams’ MVP as a freshman, junior and senior. I like losing less than Nick Saban, Vince Lombardi, Mike Krzyzewski, Tom Brady and Lyndon Johnson combined.


On top of ALL that, I found the “golden egg” at the Indian Hills Country Club (Tuscaloosa, AL) Easter Egg hunt TWICE in approximately 1974 and 1975 (back to back years) which meant that I received a very large stuffed bunny each time.

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