Monday, March 28, 2022

Will Ruha on the close ties of CBS & William Paley to the CIA, Allen Dulles and Lyndon Johnson


JFK assassination researcher Will Ruha Facebook post 6-7-2021 on CBS ties to CIA, Allen Dulles and Lyndon Johnson

Bill Paley of CBS was close personal friends with both Allen Dulles and Lyndon Johnson. CBS played a huge role in telling America that a “lone nut” killed JFK.

Will Ruha:

CBS chairman Bill Paley issued the 1953 Paley Commission Report on strategic mineral requirements for continued U.S. industrialization to the year 2,000, which, given to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles, (who managed his financial portfolio at Wall Street’s #1 transnational corporate law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell), served as the blueprint for covert CIA operations for the next half century.

Paley’s television network was one of the leading participants in the CIA’s media-control “Operation Mockingbird” of feeding socially-engineering disinformation to Americans on all socio-political / economic newsworthy events in the world, foreign and domestic. Paley made CBS a major collaborator in CIA disinformation throughout the 1950s and 60s. Sig Mickelson, president of CBS News in the 1950's, confirmed, in 1977, that his organization had fully cooperated with the CIA since 1954, sharing information and employing CIA agents under the guise of news reporters, under instructions from William S. Paley, CBS chairman. Paley sycophant Walter Cronkite went on air to publicly refute Mickelson’s account, knowing that he was engaging in a bald-faced lie.

In the 1960s, Paley appointed as CBS News president, Wall Street attorney Richard Salant, who, along with CBS president Frank Stanton, were board members of Rand Corporation, a CIA-associated think tank founded in 1948 by future JFK arch-rival, General Curtis LeMay, whose chief strategist was Herman Kahn who first posited the idea of a "winnable" nuclear exchange, as well as members like Samuel Cohen: inventor of the neutron bomb in 1958, and Rockefeller servitor, Henry Kissinger.

As Daniel Schorr revealed in September of 1977, he was removed from CBS after quietly investigating Paley’s long-term ties with the CIA. Paley continued such close relations, not infrequently having lunch with CIA Director George Bush. Assigned to Sullivan & Cromwell Senior Counsel, Donald R. Osborn, Paley’s financial investments flourished. Osborn was thus rewarded by becoming a board director of CBS, a position from which he could intervene to influence its news content according to his client’s financial interests.

This is why Edward R. Murrow – the example who should be used in supporting media integrity – committed to truth in broadcasting, had such horrific internal battles with Paley and ultimately, being forced out, was rescued via JFK’s request that he serve as Director of the United States Information Bureau where he served with great distinction. As Arthur Schlesinger noted, “He revitalized the USIA, imbued it with his own bravery and honesty, and directed its efforts, especially to the developing nations.”

Murrow had seen the writing on the wall at CBS, recognizing when they brought Walter Cronkite in, how patently false CBS was willing to become, having promoted this petty, devious, ambitious and hence obsequious sycophant to power. Murrow had great difficulty working with the arrogant empowered young Cronkite. Fred Friendly recalls in his memoir Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control how the newscasters in 1960 ‘lacked personal rapport; on the air there was a heavy-handedness and lack of ease between the two correspondents.” This owed to Cronkite’s acute news bias in favor of Richard Nixon and thus perpetuation of the CIA’s hegemony over government that had undermined and supplanted the presidency under Dwight Eisenhower.

Cronkite was also soft on Lyndon Johnson owing to LBJ’s close friendship with CBS president, Frank Stanton and Johnson’s ownership (under his wife’s name) of a CBS affiliate in Austin. For too many years, Cronkite was disinclined to criticize Johnson’s Vietnam War policies because he, himself, was a Nixon Republican and jingoist who ardently supported military intervention in S.E. Asia. It took the Tet Offensive to set him straight. Murrow was The Man. Cronkite was a deceitful CIA suck-up whose hagiography is completely undeserved. He was one of the key Founding Fathers of "Fake News."

Along with CBS associate Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite was one of mass media's most effective agents of disinformation. He disliked JFK intensely, was the first to broadcast news of his shooting, and rendered a touching “choked up” news reporter's persona performance upon receiving news of the president’s death, and then knowingly and unhesitatingly lied about his assassination, participating in the Deep State's cover-up, and lied in his memoirs about all these matters. Knowing full well that a conspiracy existed in the JFK assassination, and armed with photographic proof, he willingly suppressed it and hosted a CBS special that reinforced the hideous canards of the government's Lone Nut assertion.

Dan Rather, a part-time CBS reporter in the Dallas/Fort Wort area, was selected by the CIA to view the Zapruder film and report to the American people on what it showed. As JFK's head snaps backward to the left at 110 mph, Rather offers the false narrative, "The president's head moves FORWARD with considerable violence." After that weekend, he was whisked away to Washington where he became CBS White House correspondent, and then. Cronkite's replacement.


  1. Rob: Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. For context, I wonder if you can share more of Will Ruha's background and the circumstances of his sharing the views above attributed to him.

  2. funny how the "magic bul-let" exposes itself, expressively over time in lexicons vernacular portending in the final analysis to be exactly what it never indeed was, as ,"there is no magic bullet" to describe all such undeniably provable falsehoods... absurd extentions
