Thursday, March 31, 2022

Review of Lone Nutter Michel Jacques Gagne's "Thinking Critically About the Kennedy Assassination" - I give it a One Star

Yet another academic is trafficking in one of the the Greatest Lies ever told in World History - that a lone nut commie killed JFK

Web link to Michel Jacques Gagne's Thinking Critically About the Kennedy Assassination:

Thinking Critically About the Kennedy Assassination (Conspiracy Theories): Gagné, Michel Jacques: 9781032114477: Books 

Let's give Professor Gagne the benefit of the doubt. I think he truly believes what he writes although he has been fooled into believing one of the most fantastic whoppers ever told in world history: that a lone nut commie killed JFK and that Lyndon Johnson and elements of the CIA had absolutely no role in the murder of John Kennedy.

The truth is that Lyndon Johnson orchestrated the assassination of JFK because the Kennedys were within days of utterly destroying Lyndon Johnson both with massive and Kennedy-coordinated media exposes into LBJ's spectacular corruption and an RFK-fomented Senate Rules Committee investigation into LBJ's aforementioned corruption. Robert Caro found out from Ed Clark that in 1964, Lyndon Johnson's net worth was $25 million, which in 2022 dollars is an astounding $200 million dollars that LBJ had made off of 30 years of public service. Lyndon Johnson was not merely taking envelopes full of cash, he was taking suitcases full of cash and Billie Sol Estes was his biggest cash cow - a man who kick back $10 million in cash to LBJ over the years - something like $84 million today.

Professor Gagne may be the only person in world history who believed in a conspiracy in the JFK assassination and then one day sat down in a bath tub and read the Warren Report summary book and had a lightbulb over his head moment with the revelation that a lone nut killed JFK and weirdly a communist in Kennedy-hating right wing Dallas on top of all that. That is what the professor tells he did in this book.

I wrote a letter to the professor and it will serve as a review of this book. For those who want to know who murdered JFK and why: it was Lyndon Johnson and his Texas powerbroker pals Ed Clark and D.H. Byrd who used elements of military intelligence (Gen. Edward Lansdale, I am 99% sure) and elements of the CIA (people like David Atlee Phillips and E. Howard Hunt) to murder JFK. Oswald was a pre-selected CIA patsy and was in no way a real "pro Castro Marxist" or a "communist" - this I am 100% sure just as I am 100% Lyndon Johnson orchestrated the JFK assassination. LBJ was at the peak of the pyramid.

LBJ then used his former longtime neighbor of 19 years and fellow front row seat Kennedy-hater FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover and a resentful, fired CIA director Allen Dulles to cover up the murder of JFK and to posthumously slander and defame a patriotic, USA-loving, Marine ring wearing man Lee Harvey Oswald who had absolutely nothing do to with the JFK assassination except in his role as a posthumously framed and murdered patsy for the CIA. I bet LBJ knew exactly who Oswald was before the JFK assassination, that is how carefully LBJ planned his various crimes over the decades.

Gen. Edward Lansdale, David Atlee Phillips and E. Howard Hunt were all CIA men and all were proteges of Allen Dulles (who said just before he died "That little Kennedy ... he thought he was a God."

Hoover hated the Kennedys - no serious historian would ever dispute that.

LBJ hated the Kennedys - no serious historian would ever dispute that. In fact LBJ's attitude toward the Kennedys often involved him telling people that he would slit Robert Kennedy's throat if it was the last thing he did in life. He murdered his brother instead because the the Kennedy's "destroy LBJ" program in fall of 1963 was coming to a head. The Kennedys were not merely going to drop LBJ from the ticket in the fall of 1963, they were in the process of completely destroying Johnson to such a degree that he might very well have gone to jail for his life of political crimes and kickbacks.

Lyndon Johnson's attitude toward the Kennedys would more accurately be described that he would have liked to have have taken a long, satisfying piss on their corpses. Both of them.

The Kennedys had their knives out for LBJ, and LBJ brought guns to the battle and it was settled in Dallas, TX at on November 22, 1963 at 12:30PM CST.

Both Col. Fletcher Prouty and Gen. Victor Krulak identified their peer the infamous Gen. Edward Lansdale at Dealey Plaza. Lansdale's motive for murdering JFK would have been his extreme rage over the murder of his pal Diem of Vietnam three weeks previous in a CIA coup that JFK supported (although he was chagrined at the death of Diem). Lansdale, fired by the Kennedys, would have his career resurrected by LBJ who attempted to make Lansdale the Vietnam guru again.

Ed Clark's and D.H. Byrd's motive to murder JFK was because both men were fully aware that the Kennedys were out to destroy their cash cow, the extremely corrupt and bought off Lyndon Johnson. LBJ was very close personal friends with both men and both men made a lot of money off of Johnson. D.H. Bryd's LTV defense contracting company did fabulously well during the Vietnam War. As for Ed Clark, his law firm regularly got millions in retainer fees for doing nothing simply because he was so close to Lyndon Johnson.

I am sure that Gen. Edward Lansdale, whose top congressional sponsor was yet another front row seat Kennedy-hater & personal friend of LBJ Sen. Thomas Dodd (D-CA), was a part of the JFK assassination. Dodd was a hawkish, right wing CIA Democrat who like Lyndon Johnson was both an alcoholic and corrupt. Unlike LBJ, Dodd later paid the price for his corruption. LBJ seriously thought about making Sen. Thomas Dodd his vice presidential candidate in 1964 and floated this to the media before selecting his controlled liberal sycophant Hubert H. Humphrey as his vice president.

The odds are extremely high that Gen. Edward Lansdale, who ran Operation Mongoose for the Kennedys and no doubt hated the supervision of the ruthless jackass Robert Kennedy, roped in some CIA-connected anti-Castro Cubans to help with the JFK assassination (see "Dark Complected Man" as a spotter for the snipers on the Grassy Knoll). This is why Richard Nixon, who was acutely aware that LBJ had murdered JFK, would refer to the JFK assassination as the "whole Bay of Pigs thing." And Nixon knew that E. Howard Hunt was involved as well- this is why Nixon wanted to use the CIA to tell the FBI not to investigate Watergate because it would open up the "whole Bay of Pigs thing."

Nixon knew both LBJ and the CIA were involved in the JFK assassination, which is why LBJ was powerless to hold Nixon accountable for helping to sabotage the 1968 peace talks with Vietnam. LBJ did not want "peace" with Vietnam; he wanted to win.

Robert Kennedy did not step on the toes of older men who of power who resented and had no respect for this ultra aggressive arm of JFK. RFK *stomped* on people's toes and told them they had better fall in line - or else!

After Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK, the cover up went very smoothly because the murderer of JFK - Lyndon Johnson - was running the U.S. government and his JFK-hating blood brother FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover scooped in to run the government cover up. Fired CIA director and another JFK-hater Allen Dulles was placed on the Warren Commission where he was quite active in protecting his CIA minions from accountability for what they had done - which was murder the sitting president on behalf and in coordination with LBJ.

One of the most critical things to know about the JFK assassination is that Lyndon Johnson, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, FBI in general, CIA in general all had personal ties and friendships with the ownership of the national media of 1963-1964. LBJ, Dulles and crew were personal friends with not merely the owners of CBS, ABC, NBC, Wash Post, NYT, Time-Life, Saturday Evening Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune - they were also friends with the executives and reporters at all those organizations.

It bears repeating: the murderers of JFK - LBJ and the CIA - were personal friends with the media from top to bottom. William Paley of CBS, Katherine Graham of Wash Post, Henry and Clare Luce at Time-Life - these people were all very LBJ and CIA friendly. Ditto friendly with Allen Dulles and Hoover's FBI public reations operation which was run by LBJ toady Deke DeLoach. The elite media - and LBJ was literally having sex with some of their reporters (CBS's Marianne Means for sure and possibly NBC's Nancy Dickerson) - allowed themselves to be easily coopted on the JFK assassination and printed whatever fantasy LBJ, Hoover and Dulles fed.

And one of the biggest fantasies that they promoted was that Lee Harvey Oswald was a "pro Castro Marxist" as sadly, he had publicly proclaimed in his service working undercover for the USA. The truth of Oswald as a low level CIA operative was absolutely forbidden to be printed or delved into by the elite media of 1963-1964. Oswald was not a Marxist or a communist. Oswald was a fake defector to the Russia and an operative of U.S. intelligence.

After the elite national MSM utterly blew the JFK assassination, academics in scores of universities and colleges picked up the Big Lie and have been spreading it for the last 59 years since the murder of JFK (I am writing this on 3/31/2022. The burning pile of hot garbage that the media went with regarding the JFK assassination became the "first draft of history" and now we have professors reading the Warren Report in their bathtubs, having Eureka moments and saying the U.S. Government and the national media were right with their ludicrous story that a lone nut killed JFK.

Here is the timeline: LBJ and his Texas elite cronies murder JFK using elements of military intelligence (Lansdale), elements of CIA and elements of CIA affiliated anti-Castro Cubans from Operation Mongoose and the Miami JM-Wave station.

LBJ, Hoover, Dulles tell everyone publicly that a lone nut Oswald killed JFK (while privately Lyndon Johnson is repeatedly telling many people in hushed tones that Fidel Castro killed JFK - this was as deflection).

The elite national MSM (mainstream, corporate media) allowed themselves to be coopted into this gargantuan lie.

Then for decades afterwards academia, who live in a very political environment and are completely dependent on the political elites for their jobs, money, and status, then rubberstamp this ludicrous fantasy over and over again. Ask any professor trying to get tenure if the process and academia in general are political. They will tell you it is the most political thing they have ever been involved with. Try telling the ugly truths about the Clintons, the Bushes, Lyndon Johnson down in Arkansas and Texas and see if you get tenure at a public or private institution of higher learning. Many of these professors are just hacks for the elites or are formerly controlled journalists or are people who have come from government and are willing to cover up God's knows what crime they were party to while in government.

In 2019 former football coach Urban Meyer was teaching a class on "character and leadership" at Ohio State University! Down in Austin at the University of Texas there is the "LBJ School of Public Affairs" which is the moral equivalent of naming a School for Sorority House Mothers after Ted Bundy. Hilariously, in Little Rock, AR there is the "Clinton School of Public Service." And let's not forget the scam operation known as Trump University.

Here we are today with Professor Michel Gagne's book which I give a One star and tell you if you are looking for broad truth and accuracy on the JFK assassination, this is not it.

Here is the email I sent Professor Gagne and it will give you an idea of the issues I have with his take on the JFK assassination.


Professor Gagne,

     It's your lucky day! Here is my entire file on the JFK assassination: attached. I have studied the JFK assassination quite intensely from spring, 2008 to now which is March 31, 2022. LBJ Did It. Oswald was a completely innocent pre-selected CIA patsy who never shot anyone in his life, except himself in the Marines. I take it you have not read much about Lyndon Johnson?

    I have your new book on the JFK assassination and while I might agree with many minor points that you make, I obviously disagree with your headline opinion on the JFK assassination.

    I am personal friends with Barr McClellan. Two of Lyndon Johnson's longtime personal friends/cronies Ed Clark and Don Thomas told Barr that Ed Clark and by extension LBJ was involved in the JFK assassination. Ed Clark is not in your book and neither is LBJ ultra insider D.H. Byrd who literally owned the TSBD and made a mint off the Vietnam War. D.H. Byrd (surely you must know?) had the so-called sniper's window removed from the TSBD so he could keep it as a trophy.

    You really need to know the significance of James Wagenvoord and Burkett van Kirk - neither men are in your book. Ever read what Pamela Turnure told Eddie Fisher? You need to. The phantom 11-22-63 Murchison Party never happened, but LBJ's revelations to Madeleine Brown at the Driskill Hotel have been confirmed. Search for Driskill Hotel in my file.

    Do you know what Marina Oswald told Jesse Ventura in 2010? You need to.

    Do you know what time Helen Markham said she saw Officer Tippit being murdered? You need to.

    Have you read Judyth Vary Baker's essay on Oswald's reading habits in summer, 1963? You need to. Oswald was reading commie hater Alexander Solzenhitsyn, four James Bond books, the Christian classic Ben Hur and JFK's profiles in courage.

    Herbert Philbrick is not in your book. Why not? He is critical to understanding Oswald, a man who was PRETENDING TO BE A "PRO CASTRO MARXIST."

    In regards to Lyndon Johnson, do you know anything about the murders of Sam Smithwick (1952), Henry Marshall (1961) and the USS Liberty murders (June 8, 1967)? You need to.   

    My JFK file has many extremely useful golden nuggets of information that you will find in there. You might want to use the CTRL-F "search function" and look for the phrases:

Ed Clark

D.H. Byrd

Victor Krulak

Driskill Hotel

Doyle Whitehead

Meg Azzoni

Burkett van Kirk

James Wagenvoord

Don Reynolds

Herbert Philbrick

Henry Marshall

Sam Smithwick

J. Walton Moore

USS Liberty

Courtenay Lynda Valenti

Edward Lansdale

Operation Northwoods

Frank Sturgis

David Atlee Phillips

Bernardo De Torres

Eddie Fisher

Pamela Turnure

Madeleine Brown

Allan Witwer

Whole Bay of Pigs Thing

Gail Raven

Jesse Ventura

"We don't know what kind of a communist conspiracy this might be"

"Walker contacted the HSCA"

Helen Markham

"Oswald's reading habits"


Professor Gagne,
    I have attached my entire file on the JFK assassination, a topic which I have studied intensely from spring 2008 until the present. I am not merely a "subject matter expert" on the JFK assassination, I am the World's Foremost Authority on the JFK Assassination. I have also reviewed your Thinking Critically About the Kennedy Assassination at my blog: 
    You are free to peruse or not peruse my attached file and you are free to share it with anyone who you wish. The best way to use this file is to SKIM it and use the CTRL-F search function. There are many golden nuggets in this file and I included the citations where they came from.
    I agree with many minor points in your book, but I take exception to your lone nutter thesis and even including Oswald as a perp in the crime.
    I don't think you have read deeply enough on Lyndon Johnson. This textbook psychopath, who reminds me a lot of Donald Trump psychologically, was murdering people long before he got to JFK: Sam Smithwick (1952) and Henry Marshall (1961). Later LBJ orchestrated the USS Liberty murders with Israel on June 8, 1967 - a crime which he intended to blame on Egypt so he would have a pretext to bomb, attack and remove Nasser of Egypt. Read Joan Mellen's book Blood in the Water for that topic.
    I don't think you are aware of the full-on war that was going on between the Kennedys and LBJ in the fall of 1963. I notice the names James Wagenvoord and Burkett van Kirk (in the Dark Side of Camelot) are not in your book. Do you know the significance of these men? How about Phil Brennan of NewsMax, do you know what he had to say? They all knew the Kennedys were in the processing of slitting LBJ's throat in the fall of 1963. 
    Both George Reedy and Horace Busby (both extremely close LBJ aides) say LBJ was completely aware of and utterly obsessed with what the Kennedys were doing to him. I wonder how LBJ would have reacted? Just sit there, do nothing and twiddle his thumbs and hope for the best? 
    Gen. Edward Lansdale? 99.9% sure he was involved in the JFK assassination. Gen. Victor Krulak - not just Prouty - also identified Lansdale in the photo that was taken about 2:30PM on 11-22-63 five feet west of the TSBD. After being dumped into the trash can by the Kennedys on 10-31-63, Lyndon Johnson immediately resurrected Lansdale's career. I wonder why he would do that? Lansdale's top congressional sponsor was a Kennedy-hating right wing Democrat named Sen. Thomas Dodd (D-CN) who was a close personal friend of LBJ.
    Side note: I know a JFK researcher who has 3 more close friends of Lansdale who have identified him in that photo: including a former wife of Lansdale (Lansdale's widow I believe - the mistress who he married late in life).
    Speaking of the TSBD, it was owned by D.H. Byrd, a Texas oil man and military contractor who, in addition to being the University of Texas' largest athletic donor, was extremely close to Lyndon Johnson. Byrd owned LTV and he made a gargantuan amount of money off the Vietnam War and his building was indeed used to house snipers (not Oswald) who shot JFK. Byrd also took out the so-called sniper's window at the TSBD and kept it as a memento just like he kept dead animals in his house from all his hunting expeditions: JFK was his largest big game catch! Byrd also was buying significant amounts of shares of LTV stock in the weeks before the JFK assassination. Peter Dale Scott proved that useful nugget back in 1970. Byrd, who also went by Col. D.H. Byrd, founded the Civil Air Patrol and of course had many deep and high level military connections, as did LBJ.
    Why is D.H. Byrd not even mentioned in your book?
    I am personal friends with Barr McClellan. Would like to speak with him? LBJ's 35 year blood brother and "secret political boss of Texas" (as described by Reader's Digest) Ed Clark admitted to Barr that he helped to murder JFK. Barr was good friends with Don Thomas, a tax attorney for LBJ who was one of LBJ's closest friends ever and I include Lady Bird in that inner circle. Don Thomas also told Barr that Ed Clark/LBJ killed JFK.
    Barr McClellan is not addressed in your book either. There are gross inaccuracies in his book because he was not conversant in JFK research. Barr's significance was that he knew very well two of LBJ's closest and longest serving partners in crime: Ed Clark and Don Thomas. Both men indicted LBJ for JFK's murder.
    Lyndon Johnson, D.H. Byrd, Gen. Edward Lansdale, Ed Clark - there sure is a lot of radiation around all of those men.
    Gen. Charles Cabell, fired by JFK, also knew Lansdale and LBJ and he thought very lowly of the Kennedys. And his CIA asset brother Mayor Earle Cabell, later became an LBJ flunky as a congressman. Cabell's son told me in an interview that his father was always very "close mouthed" on the topic of the JFK assassination. I wonder why?
     Kennedy-hating J. Edgar Hoover? Did you know he was LBJ's neighbor in Washington, D.C. from 1943-1961? And that he knew the Kennedys were going to force him to retire at the mandatory retirement age of 70 on January 1, 1965? Maybe that is why Hoover weirdly was immediately pushing that a lone nut killed JFK.
      E. Howard Hunt? Yet another protege of Allen Dulles and he said he was a "back bencher" in the JFK assassination and that LBJ was involved in it. Are you aware that E. Howard Hunt was spying for LBJ on the 1964 Goldwater campaign? Why would Hunt try to sabotage a fellow right winger? Maybe because Hunt was involved in the JFK assassination and he had to have LBJ in the White House to ensure the cover up?
    Those are the JFK perps I am most sure of with LBJ, Byrd, Lansdale and Ed Clark being in the 99% to 100% sure they were involved range. Hoover was an immediate accessory to murder after the fact at a bare minimum. At a bare minimum CIA proteges of Allen Dulles were involved in JFK's death.
    What do all these men have in common? The Kennedys had either fired them or were going to fire them!!

LBJ - in process of being destroyed, not merely fired. Allen Dulles and Gen. Lansdale - fired. Hoover - about to be fired. D.H. Byrd and Ed Clark were about to lose their cash cow LBJ, so their income flows were about to be "fired" as well. Notably, Ed Clark was also very unhappy when LBJ decided not to run in 1968 - his income depended on LBJ. Barr McClellan told me that.
    Oswald? - how can you mention him and not mention Herb Philbrick and the significance of Oswald's adulation of an FBI informer who PRETENDED TO BE A COMMUNIST? Oswald was an avid fan of both the radio and TV show of I Led Three Lives. 


          The center of Lee’s fantasy world shifted from radio to television when Mother bought a television set in 1948. When it was new, all of us spent far too much time watching variety shows, dramas and old movies. Lee, particularly, was fascinated. One of his favorite programs was I Led Three Lives, the story of Herbert Philbrick, the FBI informant who posed as a Communist spy. In the early 1950’s, Lee watched that show every week without fail. When I left home to join the Marines, he was still watching the reruns.


[Robert Oswald, Lee: Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by His Brother, p. 47]

(I Led Three Lives starring with Richard Carlson, ran on TV from 1953 to 1956. Before that there was a radio show.) 

    Are you aware of the books Oswald was reading in summer 1963 in New Orleans: commie hater Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 4 James Bond books, JFK's Profiles in Courage and the Christian classic Ben Hur? 
     Are you aware that Oswald - unlike LBJ, Hoover, Dulles, Lansdale, Byrd, Clark, Hunt - was a huge fan of John Kennedy and his family? There are many sources for that, particularly Marina. In fact Oswald told Michael Paine that JFK was the best president in his lifetime:
    Do you know what Marina told Jesse Ventura in 2010 for his TV show? "Is the truth more important than your children?" Which was Marina's way of saying I was forced to tell many, many lies about her deceased husband Lee in 1963 and 1964.
      The key to understanding the JFK assassination is not David Ferrie and Clay Shaw. That is laughable. The key is understanding the sub rosa WAR that was going on in the fall of 1963 between the Kennedys and Lyndon Johnson.
    The people who murdered JFK did it for personal reasons with a little bit of ideology added on top like whip cream and a cherry on a milkshake. The JFK assassination was the enactment of Operation Northwoods, which was probably written by Lansdale for the JCS. JFK turned it down in spring, 1962 but his enemies enacted it in November, 1963 with JFK as the victim and hopefully Castro would be the scapegoat.

     After the murder of Oswald on November 24, the U.S. public smelled a rat and there was no public appetite for a Cuban invasion. All LBJ wanted to do was escape the JFK assassination so he came out hard for civil rights as a way of co-opting the left wing of the Democratic party which deeply suspected him in the JFK assassination.


Robert Morrow          512-306-1510     Austin, TX

Presidential Historian and Distinguished Fellow at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Institute for the Study of Presidential Crime

The World’s Foremost Authority on the JFK Assassination

The Top Historian in the World on Lyndon Johnson (sorry Robert Caro, it is not you …)

The Greatest Presidential Historian in American History

One of the World’s leading public intellectuals due to my sparkling expertise in the JFK assassination

America’s Premier Living Historian

One of the top two of the Greatest JFK Assassination Researchers of all time, superceded only by Joachim Joesten who nailed the JFK assassination in real time.

Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Oliver Stone who can’t figure out that LBJ murdered JFK because “Vietnam” is Stone’s hammer and he thinks everything is a nail.

Nation’s #1 Opposition Researcher on the Clintons & the author of The Clintons’ War on Women (published 2015)

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors of history and politics who have ever taught at Princeton University combined.

Up and Coming Scholar on the USS Liberty Murders which were orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson and the leaders of Israel and were to be blamed on Egypt to give the USA a pretext to enter the Six Day War

Smarter by a country-mile, generously better informed and significantly less egotistical than the New Yorker’s (lone nutter) Lawrence Wright.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors at Princeton, Harvard , Yale, Stanford, the University of Texas at Austin and SMU and anyone who has ever written for the New York Times or Washington Post combined.

Can out-debate 40 Ivy League professors of history and politics on the topic of the JFK assassination at one time.

Runs the best blog on the internet on the many crimes of Lyndon Johnson and the topic of the JFK assassination at “Robert Morrow Political Research” blog

 A lot smarter than anyone who has ever written for Texas Monthly, the Texas Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, The New Yorker, The Daily Beast or the Washington Post; or who has ever reported for WFAA Dallas or KLBJ radio Austin

Far more accurate and knowledgeable than the Sixth Floor Museum on the topic of the JFK assassination. Executive director hilarious Nicola Langford and curator Steve Fagin do not know a tenth of a thimble compared to what I know.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the 8,000 scholars and scientists combined who have been fellows at the Princeton, NJ Institute for Advanced Study in its 90-year history

Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Ken Jennings (lone nutter), who won 74 consecutive Jeopardy contests and is the highest earning American game show contestant of all time.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever been members and subject matter experts at the Council on Foreign Relations combined except for those members who were involved in the murder of JFK from their roles in U.S. intelligence

Knows more about the JFK assassination that all the people who have received MacArthur Fellow “genius grants” combined since the program began in 1981.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever received a Whiting Writers’ Award or a Guggenheim Fellowship combined.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than any single person alive since 1963 who has a tested IQ score of 175 and above.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the entire lot of the living 4,500 Rhodes Scholars who are in over 100 countries around the world.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all 250 members of the Texas Philosophical Society combined.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the collective knowledge of all pathologists, medical examiners and ballistic experts who have ever practiced in the history of the USA.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of the current and past members of the American Historical Association, the Society of American Historians or Organization of American Historians.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of everyone who has won a Pulitzer Prize.


  1. Didn't read it all, but I didn't know Dulles said that about Kennedy before he died.

    Also, how does Herb Philbrick relate to Oswald. I actually met him in the summer of 1988 and did a profile of him for a NH newspaper. Really fantastic guy.

    1. Allen Dulles - That little Kennedy….he thought he was a God!”

      James Douglass:

      "Allen Dulles's own closely guarded feelings toward John Kennedy were revealed years later in a remark to a prospective ghostwriter. Harper's young assistant editor Willie Morris had gone to Dulles's Georgetown mansion in Washington to collaborate with him on a piece in defense of the CIA's role in the Bay of Pigs--a never-to-be-published article whose most revealing, handwritten notes would one day be cited in "The `Confessions' of Allen Dulles." In one discussion they had about President Kennedy, Dulles stunned Morris with an abrupt comment. "That little Kennedy," Dulles said, ". . . he thought he was a god."
      "Even now," Morris wrote over a quarter of a century later, "those words leap out at me, the only strident ones I would hear from my unlikely collaborator."[61] The Bay of Pigs awakened President Kennedy to internal forces he feared he might never control. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas recalled Kennedy saying what the Bay of Pigs taught him about the CIA and the Pentagon: "This episode seared him. He had experienced the extreme power that these groups had, these various insidious influences of the CIA and the Pentagon on civilian policy, and I think it raised in his own mind the specter: Can Jack Kennedy, President of the United States, ever be strong enough to really rule these two powerful agencies?"[62
      [61]. Willie Morris, New York Days (Boston: Little, Brown, 1993), p. 3
      -- JAMES W. DOUGLASS JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.
      Allen Dulles spraying bullshit about JFK after he heard he was killed

      About six months after — let’s see, from April to November after the Bay of Pigs — and I saw the President a good deal. I think I’ve said that there was never any recrimination on the President’s part. I might well have lost to some extent in the measure of confidence he placed on me — that’s inevitable in things of this kind, I think, but I may say in his personal attitude toward me, in the many meetings we had, he never let that appear, and I retired at about the time I had planned to retire when he first asked me, as I’ve explained earlier, to stay on after he took over the duties as president…I rated (JFK) high, maybe that’s trite to put it that way, but I rated him high. I shall never forget when I first heard the news of the Dallas tragedy. I felt that here is a man who hadn’t had a chance really to show his full capabilities, that he was just reaching a point where his grasp of all the intricacies of the presidency were such that now he could move forward. He’d gone through the very difficult days, problems with Khrushchev [Nikita Sergeyevich Khruschev], the confrontation after the Cuban business, and all that, that he had put behind him, the testing crisis, and he was at a point to move forward and show us the full possibilities of a very extraordinary man.

  2. Oh, read down farther -- it was his favorite program. One of mine too ... lol

    1. This might be helpful

  3. Stupendous affirmation of LBJ's guilt, which should make this "author", cloaked in the key academia title of Professor, review his own qualifications and credibility.
    Bravo Robert. Dan Ryan.
