Wednesday, September 1, 2021

An Open Letter to LBJ Library Director Mark Lawrence asking him to allow USS Liberty survivors to speak at a panel or conference on the USS Liberty at the LBJ Library


Professor Mark Lawrence, Director of the LBJ Library,

cc: Evan Smith, Texas Tribune, Ross Ramsey, Texas Tribune, Adam Cahn
    There is a new and very important documentary on the USS Liberty: . Would you be agreeable to having a panel of USS Liberty survivors come speak at the LBJ Library? I know them and if the invitation was offered, I am sure most of not all of them would come to Austin for a panel or a conference on the USS Liberty.
    I have a simple question for you regarding Israel's very thorough, violent and vicious attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967:
1) Was it a case of mistaken identity where Israel accidentally mistook the USS Liberty for an Egyptian horse transfer ship El Quiser that look absolutely nothing like an American spy ship with antennae all over it? (Ludicrous)
2) Did Israel INTENTIONALLY attack the USS Liberty? (For reasons of its own making) Or:
3) Did Lyndon Johnson ORDER Israel to attack the USS Liberty, sink the ship, murder all 294 crew mates with no survivors so he could BLAME IT ON EGYPT so the that LBJ (United States) could have a pretext to to BOMB AND REMOVE Nasser of Egypt from power? (Egypt in 1967 was a client state of the USSR.)


    Michael Gillette, who decades ago did a lot of oral histories for the LBJ Library, told me in 2020 that Lyndon Johnson's best friend in the White House was Arthur Krim and his wife Mathilde Krim was extremely close to LBJ while he was president. Do you really think Israel would intentionally attack the ship of an American president whose best friends in the White House were Arthur and Matilde Krim (Mathilde was a former member of Zionist radical/terrorist group Irgun)?

The photos below are Lyndon Johnson with his best friends in the White House: ardent Zionists Arthur and Mathilde Krim.

  [In the photo directly above, LBJ is in his swimsuit at the LBJ Ranch with the inner circle of Zionist America: Abe Feinberg, Arthur Krim and Mathilde Krim. Luci Baines Johnson (then married to Pat Nugent) is looking at LBJ's grandson Patrick Lyndon Nugent.]
    Director Lawrence, I am asking you a very SIMPLE question: was the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty an accident (ludicrous) or was it an INTENTIONAL heinous crime committed by Israel which murdered 34 American sailors and wounded another 174 Americans (including Jews, btw) of a total 294 Americans on board? And if Israel INTENTIONALLY tried to murder everyone on board the USS Liberty, then did Lyndon Johnson ORCHESTRATE this heinous crime?
[The above photo exhibit from the LBJ Library says that "the United States was Israel's Staunchest Ally" at the outbreak of the Six Day War.]

     Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, my neighbor in Davenport Ranch has told many people and me personally that he thinks the USS Liberty was an intentional assault by Israel. James Bamford has a very nice list of USA VIPs in government such as CIA Richard Helms and Secretary of State Dean Rusk who think Israel intentionally attacked the USS Liberty:
     If the savage Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was INTENTIONAL then, in your opinion, did a mentally deranged Lyndon Johnson ORCHESTRATE the attack on the USS Liberty and the mass murder of American sailors?
    If you could forward this email to Mark Updegrove, the head of the LBJ Foundation, I would like to hear his answers to those questions as well.
    The reason I mention this is that the vast majority of USS Liberty survivors think that an utterly deranged psychopathic criminal Lyndon Johnson ORDERED Israel to MURDER EVERYONE on the USS Liberty so that Lyndon Johnson would have a pretext to BOMB AND REMOVE Nasser of Egypt. And it almost caused World War III because the Russians were ready to drop nuclear weapons on Israel if the USA had attacked Egypt.
    Director Lawrence, I am asking you directly, would you be open to inviting the survivors of the USS Liberty to speak at a conference or panel on the USS Liberty at the LBJ Library?


Robert Morrow

Presidential Historian and Distinguished Fellow at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Institute for the Study of Presidential Crime

The World’s Foremost Authority on the JFK Assassination

The Top Historian in the World on Lyndon Johnson

The Greatest Presidential Historian in American History

 Austin, TX     512-306-1510



  1. willfully and knowingly placed the ship in a vulnerable position and attempted to slaughter it . John jorgensen

  2. Such an outrage - Israel's unprovoked and murderous attack, and the US government's coverup of the incident. The citizens of the US need to know the truth. Let the survivors speak out.
