Saturday, February 8, 2025

Walkie Talkie Man's Hand Signals are Absolute Proof of a Shooter on the Grassy Knoll and Absolute Proof of a Conspiracy in the JFK Assassination

"Walkie Talkie Man" was a spotter for a shooter or shooters of JFK who were standing behind the stockade fence on the the Grassy Knoll and Absolute Proof of a Conspiracy in the JFK assassination. Walkie Talkie Man's hand signals that quickly changed from a camouflaged clenched fist in front of his stomach to a right arm held high with the hand flat and open are absolute proof that Walkie Talkie Man was a spotter for a sniper or snipers (plural) who were 50 yards behind him and in position behind the stockade fence on the Grassy Knoll. Here is why:

1) "Walkie Talkie Man" - sometimes known in JFK assassination literature as "Dark Complected Man" or "Radio Man" is a dark skinned man, wearing a beret and having on his possession a walkie talkie which would be very unusual for an innocent spectator in the crowd to have.

2) Walkie Talkie Man has never been identified in the now 62 years (2025) following the JFK assassination. This is quite unusual because the vast majority of the people around JFK as he was being murdered HAVE been identified. Many of them have talked to reporters and JFK assassination researchers. For almost all the people at Dealey Plaza at the moment of murder of JFK, the JFK assassination was a life changing experience and so many of these people have told their friends and families what it was like when they were there for a presidential assassination.

3) Walkie Talkie Man is standing on the gutter IN THE STREET unlike all the other spectators to JFK's death. All the other spectators are standing on the sidewalk or on the grass or are in a car. Walkie Talkie man is clearly standing OFF OF THE CURB and in the side gutter of Elm Street. This too is highly suspicious.

4) Here is the the most important thing to notice about Walkie Talkie Man: as JFK's limo approaches, Walkie Talkie Man has his right arm crooked at a right angle and he is BALLING HIS RIGHT FIST CLOSE UP TO HIS STOMACH - and that is because he will very soon be using a hand signal to call for snipers to shoot JFK. Walkie Talkie Man is hiding his fist in front of his stomach because 50 yards behind him are snipers on the Grassy Knoll who are waiting for Walkie Talkie Man to give a silent hand signal to shoot JFK. That hand signal will be a raised open hand. 

5) In a photo taken mere seconds after Walkie Talkie Man's hand was in a tightly closed fist in front of his stomach we now see Walkie Talkie Man with his his right hand HELD HIGH and it is a FLAT OPEN HAND. When JFK is seen in the Zapruder Film with his right arm held high, JFK has already been shot in the throat from the front. This is absolute proof that Walkie Talkie Man is a spotter for snipers whose signal to shoot JFK was his right arm held high with his hand open.

 6) JFK is shot in the throat around Zapruder Film frame #219. The photo of Walkie Talkie Man holding his balled, clinched fist in front of his stomach was taken no more than 1 to 2 or 3 seconds before JFK is shoat in the throat. And the photo of the Zapruder Film that shows JFK shot in the throat and the Walkie Talkie Man's right arm held high was taken at Zapruder Film frame #226.

Any shooters behind the stockade fence on the Grassy Knoll would have been directly behind the back of Walkie Talkie Man, which is intentional because Walkie Talkie Man was hiding his hand signal to kill JFK until he raised his right arm high - which meant Fire Upon the Target President Kennedy!

The Zapruder Film is 26.6 seconds long and it is composed of 486 frames. There are approximately 18.3 frames per second in the Zapruder Film.

There you have it: Walkie Talkie Man's hand signals are absolute proof that he was a spotter who job was to alert snipers on the Grassy Knoll to shoot and kill President John Kennedy. Because we know that both JFK and Texas Gov. John Connally were shot in the back (with separate bullets!) we have absolute proof that there was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination because we now have 100% proof that there were a sniper or snipers on the Grassy Knoll. 

All the 486 frames of the Zapruder Film are located here Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit

Was Felipe Vidal Santiago – Dark Complected Man in the JFK assassination?


Involvement of the Secret Service - Page 6 - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum

Man” or “Dark Complected Man” is obviously a spotter for snipers on the Grassy Knoll who shot JFK almost immediately when he gave the hand signal to do so.

Walkie Talkie Man, aka Dark Complected Man, has never come forward and has never been identified despite the vast majority of the crowd in Dealey Plaza having been identified. This is suspicious in and of itself.

You can read more at this web link: The JFKA as an Informal Operation, and Six Seconds - Page 2 - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum

Good Video on Walkie Talkie Man aka Dark Complected Man

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