Monday, December 16, 2024

Two extremely rare books: Madeleine Brown's and Connie Kritzberg's "Dallas Did It" (1996) and Mike Ashman's (1980) "Mr. President - You Have the Right to Remain Silent"

 Folks, I am attaching an extremely rare (and insightful) book on the JFK assassination from 1980 and it is called Mr. President - You Have the Right To Remain Silent by Mike Ashman.

This outstanding effort is virtually impossible to find except in a very few libraries.

The JFK assassination occurred in 1963 and it took the American public a very long time to focus their eyes on Lyndon Johnson. Well, that is not exactly true because many of the insiders and a fair amount of the public immediately suspected Lyndon Johnson of orchestrating the JFK assassination in real time. But thanks to the snow job engineered by LBJ, Hoover, Allen Dulles and their willing and subservient dupes in the media who were their personal friends, Lyndon Johnson skated very nicely until about 10 years after his death.

Fred Newcomb's book Murder From Within: Lyndon Johnson's Plot Against President Kennedy was not formally published in the early 1970s when it was passed out to members of Congress. I think it was formally published in 2011 by his son. 

Also, in the late 1960s, Joachim Joesten, the greatest JFK assassination researcher ever, published the Dark Side of Lyndon Johnson which strongly implied LBJ murdered JFK. Jim Garrison knew LBJ was covering up JFK's murder and for a while he was suspecting LBJ of the JFK assassination.

The reputation of Lyndon Johnson started getting shelled with authority starting in the late 1970s and continuing to 1984. A lot of extremely disturbing and damaging material about Lyndon Johnson started to come out in this period. A LOT of really bad LBJ stuff came out at this time: Robert Caro's first book on LBJ in 1982, George Reedy's book on LBJ in 1982, Madeleine Brown press conference 1982, Billie Sol Estes pinning LBJ for the murder of Henry Marshall 1984, the book Breaking Cover by Bill Gulley and this book by Mike Ashman which came out in 1980, seven years after LBJ's death.

Mike Ashman makes a skillful and deft use of circumstantial evidence to convict Lyndon Johnson of the JFK assassination. In the 44 years since the publication of Ashman's little known book a virtual torrent of quality evidence proving that LBJ murdered JFK has come out and it has come out from every possible direction. We have learned that both Jackie Kennedy and the KGB thought LBJ murdered JFK. That Ed Clark and his law firm were privately telling Barr McClellan that LBJ and Ed Clark murdered JFK. That Sen. John Sherman Cooper, a close personal friend of JFK, thought WHILE ON THE WARREN COMMISSION that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK. That Secret Service agent ABRAHAM BOLDEN in 1961 witnessed a volcanic argument between LBJ and the Kennedys in the Oval Office on June 29, 1961 that was so disturbing THAT BOLDEN REPORTED LYNDON JOHNSON AS THREAT TO THE LIFE OF JOHN KENNEDY TO HIS SECRET SERVICE DIRECTOR URBANUS BAUGHMAN.

Btw, that last blockbuster nugget, which Bolden privately told many of his friends for years and only now publicly,  is something that "expert" Jim DiEugenio, "expert" Jefferson Morley and so-called Secret Service "expert" Vincent Palamara are choosing to completely ignore because it does not fit their less worthy narratives on the JFK assassination.

Oh, I did not try to forget CIA E. Howard Hunt's indictment of LBJ - or that of JACK RUBY who thought LBJ Did it!

"Mommy, everybody's saying LBJ Did It" - except the modern day Media Morons and the Politically Controlled Professors who will still tell you with a straight (jacket) face that a lone nut killed JFK.

But the World's Foremost Authority on the JFK assassination, Robert Morrow (who is smarter than Vincent Bugliosi and a decapitated cow combined) does not ignore what is blatantly obvious: Lucifer Before Jesus orchestrated the JFK assassination and yes he had plenty of help from a combo of military and intelligence (and D.H. Byrd the owner of the Texas School Book Depository Building).

Enjoy this Mike Ashman classic book and provide this gem of logical thinking and inductive reasoning to others for educational purposes. 

Folks, we are sending out a very special email today that is attached with a PDF file of the extremely rare and hard to find book Dallas Did It by coauthors Madeleine Brown and Constance Kritzberg. Only 100 copies were made when this book was published in manuscript form in 1996.

I consider Madeleine Brown to be the #1 witness for truth in the JFK assassination: Lyndon Johnson told her on 12/31/63 at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX that Texas Oil men and "fucking renegade intelligence bastards" were behind the JFK assassination. LBJ is absolutely confirmed by press reports and his presidential daily schedule as being at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX late into the evening on New Year's Eve 12/31/63.

No, I am not a believer in the supposed 12/21/63 "Murchison Party" which Madeleine says she attended, but everything else Madeleine has said about Lyndon Johnson and her relationship with him has checked out. Yes, absolutely LBJ was threatening the Kennedys before the JFK assassination in a phone call with Madeleine on the morning of the JFK assassination. Johnson had called her from the Hotel Texas and told her that after today "those Irish mafia bastards will never embarrass me again. That is a promise and not a threat!"

I was provided this manuscript by the very helpful daughter-in-law of Madeleine Brown who married her son Jimmy Brown. Jimmy Brown was the older brother and half brother of Steven Mark Brown who Madeleine had with LBJ in 1950 and who lived until 1990 when he tragically died of cancer.

Please download this book and share it around as we lovingly remember the amazing legacy of Madeleine Duncan Brown. All the JFK researchers who knew her said she was a very sweet woman.

PDF file attached.


Robert Morrow      Austin, TX

Your loyal servant savant

1 comment:

  1. I’m not seeing the link to the PDF of “Dallas Did It” - any chance you could share on your X account?
