Monday, September 16, 2024

Statement of Robert Morrow on his Candidacy for Speaker of the Texas House for the 89th Session of the Texas Legislature


Statement of Robert Morrow on his Candidacy for Speaker of the Texas House for the 89th Session of the Texas Legislature


Robert Morrow:


Today I am announcing my candidacy for Speaker for the Texas House for the 89th Session of the Texas Legislature. I feel quite honored and privileged to be a Texan although the Alabama Crimson Tide will be beating the Texas Longhorns for the national championship in a few months in the college football championships.

If I am elected Speaker of the Texas House I pledge that my Chief of Staff will be Mike Toomey and my two legislative directors will be Buddy Jones and Bill Miller. Lara Keel will be my office receptionist.

Rick Perry and Karl Rove will be my advisors on anal sex.

Evan Smith and Mark Updegrove will be my advisors on how to suck up to and grovel at the feet of the bipartisan criminal elite who run our country.

My top legislative agenda will be to publicize the role of mastermind criminal and lifelong psychopath Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination. May this sick bastard rot in hell.

I am humbly offering myself to people of Texas and I asking Texas House members to elect me as Speaker of the Texas House.

I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for you help – and God’s.


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