Thursday, May 4, 2023

JFK 60th anniversary Must Buy: ROGER STONE'S "The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ"

JFK 60th Anniversary book:   Make sure to buy the paperback edition which has three extra chapters.

 Folks, not many of you know that for 3 years from summer 2013 to late 2016 I had a close relationship with the beyond infamous ROGER STONE. I met Roger Stone in the summer of 2013 in Miami. I flew down there because Stone - on Twitter - had been telling everyone that he was going to write an "LBJ killed JFK" book. I then started emailing Stone some really fine JFK research that indicted Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination.

 Stone and I met in Miami at a Cuban restaurant on South Beach and we had dinner in June, 2013. I agreed to help him on his "LBJ killed JFK" book for free. Within a few weeks Stone emailed me the manuscript for The Man Who Killed Kennedy: the Case Against LBJ which much of it had been written by Mike Colapietro. I took their manuscript and for a week I had free reign of the book and dropped in one golden nugget of JFK research after another in that book. I gave him the best stuff I had at that time in 2013. Since then I have learned much, much more that indicts Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination - such as Jackie Kennedy immediately in real time suspected LBJ in murdering her husband. She was the spot on and in real time no less!

 Later Roger Stone and I collaborated to write the greatest take down on the Clintons EVER: The Clintons' War on Women which was published in fall 2015. I personally wrote 85% of this book, picked out the title and even picked out Crooked Hillary's photo for the cover. Essentially it was my book although it was Stone who had the contract with Skyhorse.The Clintons were so worried about this book that Roger Stone came under an intimidation campaign. They stole both his and his wife Nadia's car and left a DEAD RAT on Stone's doorstep in Fort Lauderdale (December 2014 is when that occurred). Nadia is a nice person and I liken her situation with Stone to Patty Hearst who was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army and who then became a sympathizer with her oppressors. Stone may not have kidnapped Nadia but he definitely brainwashed her in between his sessions of letting other men fuck her in the same room with him, a much publicized  and twisted Stone fetish.


The leftist activist group Media Matters literally went on a phone calling and emailing campaign with the major media and even FOX to attempt to stop The Clintons' War on Women. Donald Trump in 2016 kept this book on his desk and used it as a Bible to defeat Crooked Hillary.

 As Roger Stone and I, we had a parting of the ways after publication of the Clinton book in June, 2016 when I discovered that Donald Trump had been raping little 13 year old and 12 year old girls with Jeffrey Epstein in summer 1994 at the Wexner Mansion in NYC. Obviously, I can't support someone like that for president so I came out hardcore against both Raping Donald and Crooked Hillary in 2016. I ran for President myself and in Texas I and my handyman Todd Sanders received 145 votes for President and Vice President officially. As for Roger Stone, of course he can support a violent child molester for president as long he gets some glory and attention along the way.

 I should point out that the last royalty check Roger Stone sent me for The Clintons' War on Women was for $3,000 in December 2016; this was after one for $17,000 that came in July 2016. The odds are extremely high that Stone shorted me on both of those checks. Since then Roger Stone, in a fit of pique over my not supporting his child molester Trump for president, has paid me no royalties since then for the Clintons' War on Women which he is contractually obligated to do. Stone is supposed to pay me royalties every 6 months. So far he was welched on 12 consecutive royalty checks and another comes due this summer.

 One day I might have to sue this son of a bitch, but it will come on my schedule.

 But in the meantime, I recommend you BUY Stone's The Man Who Killed Kennedy: the case Against LBJ because I am quite proud of the work that I did (for free for Stone) to make that book the hit that it was when it first came out in 2013.

 Currently, as the World's Leading Public Intellectual, I am focused on getting mainstream media coverage for Abraham Bolden's allegations against Lyndon Johnson from a volcanic argument that Bolden had with the Kennedys on June 29, 1961. LBJ was so vicious that Bolden reported Lyndon Johnson as a security threat to JFK's life to Director Baughman, the head of the Secret Service in June, 1961. Folks, we have to get this story out to the media and thanks to ALL who have been helping me do this.



Robert Morrow          512-306-1510     Austin, TX

Presidential Historian and Distinguished Fellow at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Institute for the Study of Presidential Crime

The World’s Foremost Authority on the JFK Assassination

The Top Historian in the World on Lyndon Johnson (sorry Robert Caro, it is not you …)

The Greatest Presidential Historian in American History

An Absolute Genius on the topic of the JFK assassination

The World’s Leading Public Intellectual

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