Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Richard Calvin Dodd and James Leon Simmons were 2 EXCELLENT witnesses that prove JFK was being shot at from behind the fence line on Grassy Knoll


The FBI warped the interviews of both men and the Warren Commission avoided them like the plague because they prove JFK was being shot at from behind the fence line on the Grassy Knoll. - Robert Morrow 3/6/25

Mark Lane interview of Richard Calvin Dodd, who along with S.M. Holland was standing on the Triple Overpass with a Bird’s Eye view of the JFK assassination and the Grassy Knoll.

Railroad Worker Richard Dodd - Witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy


Railroad worker Richard Calvin Dodd was standing on top of the triple underpass, in front of John F. Kennedy's presidential motorcade on Elm Street LANE. Did you see anything which might indicate to you where the shots came from? DODD. Well, we all four seen about the same thing. The shots, the smoke came from behind the hedge on the north side of the plaza. And a motorcycle policeman dropped his motorcycle in the street with his gun in his hand and run up the embankment to the hedge. And then I went North to look around the corner to see if there is anyone behind the hedge and met special agent of the railroad. And he went down there, and I walked along with him to see if there were any tracks there. In which there were tracks and cigarette butts was laying where someone was stranding on the bumper looking over the fence or something. LANE. Where you questioned by agents of any government agency on November 22, Mr. Dodd. DODD. Yes, we were. We were taken over to the court house and questioned by I suppose Secret Service men of some kind. Asked me quite a few questions about the same as I’ve told you here today. This clip is from Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment (1967)


1) with 3 Railroad friends, including S.M. Holland on the Triple Overpass

2) All 4 men saw smoke coming from being the hedge, the fence on the Grassy Knoll

3) looked behind fence and saw tracks and cigarette butts, near where someone had been standing on a bumper looking over a fence

4) questioned by Secret Service

5) Never called as a witness by the Warren Report

Richard Calvin Dodd (1906-1967) Find-A-Grave

Richard Calvin Dodd (1906-1967) - Find a Grave Memorial


His parents were Nute Dodd & Edna Southern.

Social Security Number 707-16-6285

Occupation: Track Supp. - Union Terminal, Dallas (On Death Certificate).

He is buried next to his wife, LaRue Phillips Dodd (Died in 1968).

Eyewitness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He was standing next to Sterling Mayfield Holland, on the overpass on Elm Street. Dodd was also certain that a shot came from behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll, and also saw the puff of smoke. He was adamant that the FBI falsified his report from what he had told them.


Just Look at this Pitiful Interview by THE FBI of Richard Calvin Dodd and look at all of the critical information the FBI intentionally left out of it’s report: namely the puff of smoke coming from the Grassy Knoll fence line!!

CE 1420 - FBI interview of Richard Calvin Dodd



Date 3/18/64

Mr. RICHARD CALVIN DODD, 1216 South Tyler, Dallas, Texas, was interviewed at Lamar and Henning Street n Dallas, and furnished the following information:

Mr. DODD stated he is employed as a track supervisor for the Union Terminal Company, 500 South Houston Street, Dallas, and was so employed on November 22, 1963. On this date, he took up a position on the Elm Street railroad viaduct overlooking the route used by the Presidential motorcade on this date. Mr. DODD stated that when the motorcycle escort and the automobile carrying President KENNEDY approached the area where he was standing his attention was directed on President KENNEDY. He stated he first realized something was wrong when he saw president KENNEDY slump forward and simultaneously heard shots ring out. He stated he did not know how many shots were fired, but that the sounds were very close together. Mr. DODD advised that his attention remained on President KENNEDY; he did not look up and did not know where the shots came from.

Mr DODD stated he did not know LEE HARVEY OSWALD and had never met or seen JACK RUBY.

on 3/17/64 at Dallas, Texas File # DL 100-10461

By Special Agent THOMAS T. TRETTIS JR. & E.J. Robertson Date Dictated 3/17/64


Mark Lane interview of James Leon Simmons – saw puff of smoke coming out from the fence line on the Grassy Knoll

Railroad Worker James Leon Simmons - Witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

1) loud explosion, sounded like it came from the fence line of the Grassy Knoll

2) puff of smoke came from fence on Grassy Knoll

3) ran around to the back of the fence on the Grassy Knoll, no one was there

4) footprints in the mud

5) footprints on the railing of the fence

6) questioned by FBI

7) Not called as a witness by the Warren Commission


James Leon Simmons stood atop the triple overpass with fellow workers S.M. Holland and Richard C. Dodd. LANE. What did you see and what did you hear? SIMMONS. As the presidential limousine was rounding the curve on Elm Street, there was a loud explosion. At the time I didn’t know what it was, but it sounded like a loud firecracker or a gun shot. Ann it sounded like it came form the left and in front of us towards the wooden fence. And there was a puff of smoke that came underneath of the trees on the embankment. LANE. Where was the puff of smoke Mr Simmons in relation to the wooden fence? SIMMONS. It was right directly in front of the wooden fence.... LANE. After you heard the shots and saw the smoke, what did you do? SIMMONS. I was talkin with Patrolman Foster at the time. And as soon as we heard the shots we ran around to the wooden fence. And when we got there there was no one there. But there was footprints in the mud around the fence, and there was footprints on the wooden two by four railing on the fence. LANE. Were you questioned by Dallas Police that day? SIMMONS. Yes, I was. LANE. Did you give your name to the Dallas Police? SIMMONS. Yes, I did. LANE. Did you tell them what you just told me? SIMMONS. Yes, I did. LANE. Were you subsequently questioned by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. SIMMONS. About a month later I was questioned by the FBI. LANE. Did you tell them what you told me and what you told the Dallas Police? SIMMONS. Yes, I did. This clip is from Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment (1967)


James Leon Simmons (1929-1980)– Find-A-Grave

James Leon Simmons – FBI interview 3/17/64 – covering up that Simmons obviously thought a shot or shots to JFK came from behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll


Simmons said he thought he saw exhaust fumes of smoke near the embankment in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building. Simmons then ran toward the Texas School Book Depository Building with a policeman. He stopped at a fence near the Memorial Arches and could not find anyone.
Simmons advised that it was his opinion the shots came from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository Building.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Lyndon Johnson murdered pre-selected CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald

Lyndon Johnson Murdered Lee Harvey Oswald

 LBJ murdered Lee Harvey Oswald. How do we know this? Because Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry and Detective Will Fritz were not planning on a public transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald on Sunday, November 24, 1963.

Mayor Cabell through City Manager Crull ORDERED Dallas police chief Jesse Curry to have a very public transfer. Who told them to do that?

In the words of Dallas Police detective Don Archer, the pressure for this public transfer came from "Washington, D.C."

Who was Washington, D.C.?

Lyndon Baines Johnson who was personally calling down to Dallas, including Will Fritz and who ordered his aide Cliff Carter to make multiple calls to Dallas County officials telling them to charge the whole JFK assassination on Lee Harvey Oswald and quit talking about a "communist conspiracy" or any conspiracy.

Remember, although Mayor Earle Cabell was a CIA asset and also the brother of Air Force Gen. and CIA Charles Cabell, who JFK fired after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Earle Cabell ran for Congress in 1964, got elected by beating LBJ-hater GOP Cong. Bruce Alger and was an absolute lackey for Lyndon Johnson for his time in Congress.

Not only did LBJ murder JFK, but of course he murdered the pre-selected patsy Lee Harvey Oswald through the third party of the Dallas mafia, who his Dallas friends knew quite well.

Oswald was controlled by Washington who told Mayor Earle Cabell of Dallas and the City Manager that Oswald must have a public transfer!


Dallas Cops: Oswald Transfer Was Controlled by Washington - YouTube


Dallas Police detectives L.C. Graves and Don Archer discuss the transfer of Oswald. Especially note the comments of Don Archer blaming the transfer on “Washington!” 


Former Dallas County Sheriff Steve Guthrie said that it was common knowledge that Mayor Cabell or City Manager Crull ordered Police Chief Jesse Curry to have a very public transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald.


12/7/1963 Steve Guthrie affidavit with the FBI:

Henry Wade, at the urging of LBJ’s Cliff Carter, was IMMEDIATELY telling people that Oswald ALONE had murdered JFK. Henry Wade, a former roommate of John Connally, had previously worked for both LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover.


[“Prisoner denies slaying of JFK,” Charmayne Marsh, Daily Texan, 11-23-1963]


Prisoner denies slaying of JFK

Charmayne Marsh
November 22, 2013 (Daily Texan typo on date, should be 11-23-1963)


DALLAS (Spl.) — Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, was charged for murder with malice in the slaying of President John F. Kennedy at 11:56 p.m. Friday night.

Henry Wade, the district attorney making the announcement in Dallas City Jail, said the charge was made on “physical evidence.”

“It was no one else but him.”

Oswald denies killing the president. He said, “The only thing I knew about it was when reporters asked me.”

The slightly built brown-haired man defected to Russia in 1959. He returned to the United States in 1962 after denying the alien status offered by Russia.

Earlier, he was charged with the Friday murder of a Dallas policeman. The officer, J. W. Tippett, was shot in Oak Cliff about 40 minutes after the president was killed.

Six witnesses identified Oswald as the officer’s murderer. Wade said it is a capital offense, and he would seek the death penalty on both charges.

Oswald was arraigned for the murder of Tippett in David L. Johnson’s Precinct 2 Justice Court.


The Italian-made gun believed to have been the assassination weapon was sent

 to Washington for a ballistics check.

Oswald’s Russian wife Marianne said she thought she had seen a rifle of this type in her husband’s possession, Jesse Curry, Dallas chief of police, said.

“I do not think so,” Curry said when asked if Dallas police thought the man had a Communist background.

Oswald is said to be pro-Castro and chairman of a “Fair Play for Cuba Committee.” He has been arrested in New Orleans for his Committee demonstrations, a Dallas policeman said.

Oswald said he is not a Communist but a Marxist.


He will be arraigned for the presidential killing at City Hall tomorrow. The prisoner will stay at Dallas City Jail until Monday, and, then, be taken to the county jail.

Murder is not a federal charge, and if brought to trial, he will be tried in a Texas district court, presumably in Dallas. “He offers no alibis,” Wade said, “but denies both killings.”

“You are against me because I like Russia,” he said as policemen escorted him to an elevator.

Newsmen from all over the world jammed the hall.

The small blue-eyed man wore a brown shirt, a white tee shirt and dark pants.

Over his left eye was a gash. His right eye was bruised and cut. Police said he got both from a scuffle, when officer M. N. McDonald arrested him for Tippett’s murder. He had a .88 caliber pistol stuffed in his belt.

Officer McDonald apprehended him in the downstairs middle section of the Texas Oak Cliff Theater.

Oswald ran into the theater, witnesses said, after shooting Tippett. The theater was one and a half blocks from where Tippett was believed to have been shot.

“War is Hell” and “Cry of Battle” are playing at the theater which was filled with school children observing a holiday due to the President’s visit.

Lt. Carl Day, head of the Dallas Crime Laboratory, said the rifle was found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.



Will Fritz, captain of the Dallas homicide bureau, told newsmen that Oswald was definitely in the building when the President was shot.

The gun was found lying on a carton of books about six feet from the back stairs. Chicken bones and other pieces of food were on the floor surrounding the window. The end window on the building’s south side was the site used by the slayer.

Cardboard cartons were stacked in a semi-circle in a shield-like manner around the window. Three smaller cartons were stacked directly in front of the window. Lt. Day said the dent on the top carton is where he thought the man rested the gun.

Oswald’s mother, wife and brother spent most of the afternoon at the jail. Oswald said he did not have an attorney and was being denied legal counsel. Wade said he didn’t know if he had legal counsel, but he thought his family was taking care of it.

His wife, a small brown-haired woman, barely speaks English.

She and his mother walked through the crowd of newsmen without commenting on the situation. The wife held a small baby wrapped in a white blanket.

City Detective Ed Hicks said Oswald’s wife lived in Irving, but he did not know if the couple were separated.


Oswald’s mother lives in Fort Worth and his brother in Denton. He has been in Dallas about two months, Curry said.

He has been living in a rooming house in Oak Cliff.

Mrs. Erlene Roberts, who manages the house Oswald lives in, said he would leave about 7:30 or 8 a.m. returning in the evening. He lived there under an assumed name, O. L. Lee.


He did not know anybody and didn’t have much to say,” Mrs. Roberts said. “If you got a good grunt out of him, it would be a miracle.”

Oswald is believed to have been originally from New Orleans. He attended Ridlega Elementary School in Fort Worth.

His mother told a Fort Worth Star-Telegram reporter that he had always been persecuted. She said he did not have a father and suffered from it. The father died when Oswald was a child.

The grand jury will not convene until next Wednesday.

It is believed he was an expert marksman in the Marines.


Robert Morrow    Austin, TX   512-306-1510

"LBJ Murdered a lot more people than just John Kennedy"

Monday, February 24, 2025

In about the year 2000, at age 68, former Secret Service agent CLINT HILL said that he thought Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination


In 2010 “Michael” of Townson, MD said that about ten years ago, around year 2000, former Secret Service agent Clint Hill (age approximately 68 then) came into his shop in Richmond, VA and said that that LYNDON JOHNSON was behind the JFK assassination

This came from the comments section after a lengthy article by Dan Eden on the Viewzone in 2010 that indicted LBJ in the JFK assassination The only person ever to push Jackie Kennedy into the limo in the seconds after the JFK assassination was of course CLINT HILL.

Michael of Towson, MD posted in 2010, about an encounter with Clint Hill that had occurred about 10 years earlier circa 2000 year.


A man walked into my shop in Richmond, VA about 10 years ago. While he quietly looked around- two friends of mine and I were discussing an odd book by one H. Donahue about JFK killing. The man shopping asked me for a certain item then said "That book you are talking about is ridiculous, I know all of the people involved and nothing at all happened like that, I was there." He gave me his card in case I found the items he wanted, I read his name and knew who he was, a secret service agent right in the thick of the killing, very famous in his own right for trauma he had after killing, blaming his self for not doing more etc.

Also famous for photos of him pushing Ms. Kennedy back into the limo (I said that I'd never use his name). Anyway, I shamelessly chased this rather nice man to his car and begged him to tell me "who did it?", he said and I quote "I can't tell you that but let me ask YOU a question...Who was our next president?"

If anyone had seen this man that day they'd know he was telling the truth.

My father was (coincidentally) a ballistics expert who recreated JFK killing for Warren C. and television show, his opinions were never used by Warren C and fathers' schoolmate, Bill Manchester just said "Keep your findings to yourself."

I absolutely believe that LBJ orchestrated JFK death and to think back on a photograph of the time showing LBJ being sworn in standing next to Mrs. Kennedy wearing her gore splattered dress is beyond comprehension.

Thank you,
Michael -- Towson,MD.


The date of Dan Eden Viewzone article indicting LBJ for the JFK assassinationis 2010

See Dan Eden’s reply to Dawn Meredith’s comment:


Great site. Glad to see someone still on the LBJ angle. (I was very close to the TX. researcher who obtained Mac Wallace's print as well as the latent- His name was Jay Harrison. He died 5/25/05 from cancer. The print expert Nathan Darby was also a good friend and neighbor. He died in 06 I believe (was in hospital after a stroke for about a year). I feared this story might die with them.

Another great source on this subject in James Douglas remarkable book JFK and The Unspeakable. (Not about the LBJ angle)

Dawn Meredith

ps A few people who have really gotten into investigating Mac wallace and Henry Marshall (etc) have met with untimely deaths...

Reply to Dawn: I am alive and well as of 2010! -- Dan Eden


Secret Service agent Paul Landis said that in the aftermath of the JFK assassination, some “angry” Secret Service agents believed Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination.

In page 186 of his book The Final Witness (published in 2023) former Secret Service agent Paul Landis had this to say: "The angrier agents among us commented rashly that they wouldn't be surprised if Johnson had something to do with the events in Dallas. We all knew how badly he wanted to be president."

Web link: 

[Paul Landis, The Final Witness, p. 186]

Friday, February 14, 2025

David Atlee Phillips 7/1/86 letter to Vincent Bugliosi. Phillips later admitted to his brother that he was involved in the JFK assassination


Spartacus Educational Bio on CIA's David Atlee Phillips, a man who admitted to his brother just before he died that he was involved in the JFK assassination -  

David Atlee Phillips on Lee Harvey Oswald and his supposed Mexico City trip:

(My take: I believe Oswald was in Mexico City, and I think Phillips is covering up his connection to Oswald)

CIA Mexico City David Atlee Phillips: "- when the record comes out, we will find that there was never a photograph taken of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City. We will find out that Lee Harvey Oswald never visited, let me put it, that is a categorical statement, there, there, we will find out there is no evidence, first of all there was no proof of that. Second there is no evidence to show that Lee Harvey Oswald visited the Soviet Embassy." [1987 CA debate, quoted in Mark Lane’s Plausible Denial.]

From “The Night Watch; 25 Years of Peculiar Service”, David Atlee Phillips :

"Tomorrow morning, gentlemen," Dulles said, "we will go to the White House to brief the President. Let's run over your presentations." It was a warm summer night. We drank iced tea as we sat around a garden table in Dulles' back yard. The lighted shaft of the Washington Monument could be seen through the trees. . . .

Finally Brad (Colonel Albert Haney) rehearsed his speech. When he finished Alien Dulles said, "Brad, I've never heard such crap." It was the nearest thing to an expletive I ever heard Dulles use. The Director turned to me "They tell me you know how to write. Work out a new speech for Brad...

We went to the White House in the morning. Gathered in the theater in the East Wing were more notables than I had ever seen: the President, his Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of State - Alien Dulles's brother, Foster - the Attorney General, and perhaps two dozen other members of the President's Cabinet and household staff....

The lights were turned off while Brad used slides during his report. A door opened near me. In the darkness I could see only a silhouette of the person entering the room; when the door closed it was dark again, and I could not make out the features of the man standing next to me. He whispered a number of questions: "Who is that? Who made that decision?"

I was vaguely uncomfortable. The questions from the unknown man next to me were very insistent, furtive. Brad finished and the lights went up. The man moved away. He was Richard Nixon, the Vice President.

Eisenhower's first question was to Hector (Rip Robertson): "How many men did Castillo Armas lose?" Hector (Rip Robertson) said only one, a courier... . Eisenhower shook his head, perhaps thinking of the thousands who had died in France. "Incredible..."

Nixon asked a number of questions, concise and to the point, and demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the Guatemalan political situation. He was impressive - not at all the disturbing man he was in the shadows.

Eisenhower turned to his Chief of the Joint Chiefs. "What about the Russians? Any reaction?"

General Ridgeway answered. "They don't seem to be up to anything. But the navy is watching a Soviet sub in the area; it could be there to evacuate some of Arbenz's friends, or to supply arms to any resisters."

Eisenhower shook hands all around. "Great," he said to Brad, "that was a good briefing." Hector and I smiled at each other as Brad flushed with pleasure.

The President's final handshake was with Allen Dulles. "Thanks Allen, and thanks to all of you.

You've averted a Soviet beachhead in our hemisphere." Eisenhower spoke to his Chief of Naval Operations "Watch that sub. Admiral. If it gets near the coast
of Guatemala we'll sink the son-of-a-bitch. ' The President strode from the room.

CIA David Atlee Phillips: "My final take on the assassination is there was a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers."


 David Atlee Phillips, just before his death, to Kevin Walsh, an investigator with the HSCA. Phillips died in July, 1988. Source: Larry Hancock, the author of Someone Would have Talked.


Phillips: “My private opinion is that JFK was done in by a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers.” 


Said to Kevin Walsh, former HSCA staffer who later became a private detective. Phillips comment was made in July, 1986

[Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked, p. 152]


Larry Hancock comment on the David Phillips comments and his conversations with Shawn Phillips, the nephew of David Phillips – posted on Education Forum 8/27/2023

Larry Hancock:


OK Eddy, you certainly have my attention...grin.  Actually this discussion raises the opportunity for some remarks about attribution and context that should be considered first in these discussions. 

First off, Phillips remark to the committee staffer was made casually, he appears to have had a good relationship with Walsh and Phillips was never shy about expressing an opinion.  We don't know the exact context of that remark but we do know that the source, the date and we have a quote to work with.  We also know that during the HSCA period Phillips was working on a manuscript (fictional) which would also have connected an Oswald operation to the CIA.  Its pure speculation, but his remark, the manuscript etc could have been attempts to shift attention from him personally and towards CIA activities going on around Oswald - something there is good reason to suspect that Phillips would have known about.

Given that Phillips actually wrote more books than Night Watch and that he put in the statement that Oswald did take a money to kill JFK from the Cubans in the Consulate (the story he and the MC station pushed days after the assassination) we can probably assume he knew enough about bogus stories in MC and the cover up of a variety of actions against the Cubans and the diplomatic facilities to be aware that some games were in play during the period of Oswald's appearance there - but that he also realized there were things going on he didn't understand, and which were suspicious.

Its also important to remember that Phillips actually called out David Morales (by nick name not true name) as a really badass dirty actions operator (which is interesting since Phillips did not have that much personal contact with Morales and against the fact that Morales was in staff positions, not normally in back alleys - regardless of being a badass), Morales got so upset he went to the CIA and wanted to charge Phillips with violating his privacy (Phillips had even directed a reporter to him) and there was no love lost between the two at that point.  Which might imply that Phillips had some suspicion of Morales - interesting because one of their few operational linkages had to do with a mission to bring Castro's sister out of Cuba on November 22, something which aborted but something that did involve both Morales and Sforza. 

On the second point related to attribution and context, the remark was second hand from Phillip's nephew (who I did communicate with on multiple occasions) so context there is important.  This was a death bed event where Phillips was literally dying and all his brother had to say to him was to ask him about JFK...and he didn't even ask him that outright, as I understand it he asked his brother if David had been in Dallas.  And David refused to answer him.  Personally at that point if I am dying and all my brother has to say is that- well I suspect I would hang up (well perhaps there would be other words but not about Dallas). So from the context  its always been hard for me to see that as a confession.

Hope some of that helps the discussion,  Larry


Excellent Paul Bleau PDF file on the links of David Atlee Phillips to the JFK assassination:

Web link:

David Atlee Phillips – excellent Spartacus bio:

A dying David Atlee Phillips admitted to his brother Jim that he had been in Dallas on 11/22/63

What he is really admitting to is involvement in the JFK assassination.


Shawn Phillips is the nephew of David Atlee Phillips and the son of James Atlee Phillips:

Email from Shawn Phillips to Gary Buell in January, 2003:

The "Confession", you refer to was not in so many words as such. I cannot remember the time frames involved, but this was what was told to me by my father, James Atlee Phillips, who is deceased. He said that David had called him with reference to his (Davids), invitation to a dinner, by a man who was purportedly writing a book on the CIA. At this dinner, was also present a man who was identified only as the "Driver". David told Jim that he knew the man was there to identify him as Raul Salcedo, whose name you should be familiar with, if your research is accurate in this matter. David then told Jim that he had written a letter to the various media, as a "Preemptive Strike" , against any and all allegations about his involvement in the JFK assassination. Jim knew that David was the head of the "Retired Intelligence Officers of the CIA", or some such organization, and that he was extremely critical of JFK, and his policies. Jim knew at that point, that David was in some way, seriously involved in this matter and he and David argued rather vehemently, resulting in a silent hiatus between them that lasted almost six years according to Jim. Finally, as David was dying of irreversible lung cancer, he called Jim and there was apparently no reconciliation between them, as Jim asked David pointedly, "Were you in Dallas on that day"? David said, "Yes", and Jim hung the phone up.

Web Link:
Shawn Phillips is a musician. This is his website:
His family tie to David Atlee Phillips is explained here:
Internet Wayback Machine:

David Atlee Phillips in his book Secret Wars Diary (1989), in a footnote:

“I was an observer of Cuban and Soviet reaction when Lee Harvey Oswald contacted their embassies.” David Atlee Phillips died on July 7, 1988.


David Atlee Phillips wrote some extremely interesting “fiction” about Lee Harvey Oswald – see the excellent blog post by Peter McLachlin - Very good blog post by Peter McLachlin (9-9-2008) on David Atlee Phillips and E. Howard Hunt


Peter McLachlin



For this sentence alone Philip Atlee deserves an enduring spot in the annals of American pulp fiction:

"My rectal sphincter throbbed again, all I needed, and I said 'nuts to you' and locked my bowels."


— Philip Atlee, The Fer-De-Lance Contract


James Atlee Phillips (pen name Philip Atlee) whose "Contract" series of books was comprised of 22 novels about counter-intelligence agent Joe Gall. Gall, a so-called "nullifier," is sent by a secretive U.S. government agency to trouble spots around the globe in order to solve—that is, erase—the problem. Somewhat surprisingly, Raymond Chandler wrote of him: "I admire Philip Atlee's writing enormously, the hard economy of style, the characterisations, and the interesting and varied backgrounds."

But there are reasons outside of his writing that make it worth remembering Philip Atlee. For starters, there was more than one pulp novelist in the Atlee Philips family. James Atlee Phillips was the brother of well-known CIA officer David Atlee Phillips, long-rumoured to be an organizing force behind the assassination of JFK. 

In 1978, David Atlee Phillips published a novel about political assassins entitled The Carlos Contract: A Novel of International Terrorism. And then things get more interesting... here are a couple of tantalizing quotes from the Web page


First, David Atlee Phillips, who died of cancer on July 7, 1988, left behind an unpublished manuscript entitled The AMLASH Legacy, a novel about a CIA officer working at the Mexico City station in 1963.  From the novel:


I was one of the two case officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald. After working to establish his Marxist bona fides, we gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba. I helped him when he came to Mexico City to obtain a visa, and when he returned to Dallas to wait for it I saw him twice there. We rehearsed the plan many times: In Havana Oswald was to assassinate Castro with a sniper's rifle from the upper floor window of a building on the route where Castro often drove in an open jeep. Whether Oswald was a double-agent or a psycho I'm not sure, and I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the President's assassination but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt.


There’s also a January, 2003 e-mail by James Atlee Phillips’ son (the folk rock singer Shawn Phillips) to JFK assassination researcher Gary Buell:

The "Confession", you refer to was not in so many words as such. I cannot remember the time frames involved, but this was what was told to me by my father, James Atlee Phillips, who is deceased. He said that David had called him with reference to his (Davids), invitation to a dinner, by a man who was purportedly writing a book on the CIA. At this dinner, was also present a man who was identified only as the "Driver". David told Jim that he knew the man was there to identify him as Raul Salcedo, whose name you should be familiar with, if your research is accurate in this matter. David then told Jim that he had written a letter to the various media, as a "Preemptive Strike," against any and all allegations about his involvement in the JFK assassination. Jim knew that David was the head of the "Retired Intelligence Officers of the CIA", or some such organization, and that he was extremely critical of JFK, and his policies. Jim knew at that point, that David was in some way, seriously involved in this matter and he and David argued rather vehemently, resulting in a silent hiatus between them that lasted almost six years according to Jim. Finally, as David was dying of irreversible lung cancer, he called Jim and there was apparently no reconciliation between them, as Jim asked David pointedly, "Were you in Dallas on that day"? David said, "Yes", and Jim hung the phone up.

The final word on pulp fiction, the CIA and JFK’s murder must make mention of E. Howard Hunt, CIA operative and Watergate “plumber,” who was undoubtedly the greatest writer of pulps (47 novels under his own name and a number of pen names) of any government agency, ever. In January 2007, while on his deathbed, Hunt allegedly confessed to having extensive foreknowledge of the JFK assassination, implicating Lyndon Johnson and the CIA.


Here’s an excerpt from William F. Buckley’s obituary of Hunt:


I remember with sad amusement an earlier experience of Hunt's with the law, this time involving his novels. Allen Dulles, then head of CIA, called him in one day and said, Howard, I know the rules are that this office has to clear all manuscripts by our agents. But you write so many, you're wearing us out. So go ahead and publish your books without our clearance, but use a pseudonym.


Hunt handed me his latest book, "Catch Me in Zanzibar," by Gordon Davis. I leafed through it and found printed on the last page, "You have just finished another novel by Howard Hunt." I thought this hilarious. So did Howard. The reaction of Allen Dulles is not recorded.


In a 2004 audio recording Hunt named fellow pulp novelist David Phillips as a participant in the JFK assassination:


I heard from Frank [Sturgis] that LBJ had designated Cord Meyer, Jr. to undertake a larger organization while keeping it totally secret. Cord Meyer himself was a rather favored member of the Eastern aristocracy. He was a graduate of Yale University and had joined the Marine Corps during the war and lost an eye in the Pacific fighting.


I think that LBJ settled on Meyer as an opportunist like himself and a man who had very little left to him in life ever since JFK had taken Cord's wife as one of his mistresses. I would suggest that Cord Meyer welcomed the approach from LBJ, who was after all only the Vice President at that time and of course could not number Cord Meyer among JFK's admirers—quite the contrary.


As for Dave Phillips, I knew him pretty well at one time. He worked for me during the Guatemala project. He had made himself useful to the agency in Santiago, Chile where he was an American businessman. In any case, his actions, whatever they were, came to the attention of the Santiago station chief and when his resume became known to people in the Western hemisphere division he was brought in to work on Guatemalan operations.

Sturgis and Morales and people of that ilk stayed in apartment houses during preparations for the big event. Their addresses were very subject to change, so that where a fellow like Morales had been one day, you'd not necessarily associated [sic] with that address the following day. In short, it was a very mobile experience.


Let me point out at this point, that if I had wanted to fictionalize what went on in Miami and elsewhere during the run up for the big event, I would have done so. But I don't want any unreality to tinge this particular story, or the information, I should say. I was a benchwarmer on it and I had a reputation for honesty.


I think it's essential to refocus on what this information that I've been providing you — and you alone, by the way — consists of. What is important in the story is that we've backtracked the chain of command up through Cord Meyer and laying [sic] the doings at the doorstep of LBJ. He, in my opinion, had an almost maniacal urge to become President. He regarded JFK, as he was in fact, an obstacle to achieving that. He could have waited for JFK to finish out his term and then undoubtedly a second term. So that would have put LBJ at the head of a long list of people who were waiting for some change in the executive branch.


One can’t help wondering if these dead pulp novelists would have proven to be less dangerous if they had had less of the pulp novelistic imagination in them: history could have been significant;y different but for these CIA officers and operatives adhering to a "boy’s own adventures" credo of live by the pulps, die by the pulps. It seems fitting that Hunt may one day be best remembered through the portrayal of him by one of JFK's greatest admirers, Norman Mailer, in his 1991 novel Harlot's Ghost.

Some of E. Howard Hunt’s book covers:





Web link


“I was one of the two case officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald. After working to establish his Marxist bona fides, we gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba. I helped him when he came to Mexico City to obtain a visa, and when he returned to Dallas to wait for it I saw him twice there. We rehearsed the plan many times: In Havana Oswald was to assassinate Castro with a sniper's rifle from the upper floor window of a building on the route where Castro often drove in an open jeep. Whether Oswald was a double-agent or a psycho I'm not sure, and I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the President's assassination but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt.”

- David Atlee Phillips, 'The AMLASH Legacy'. A Novel by David Atlee Phillips. [David Atlee Phillips was a Central Intelligence Agency officer of 25 years and a recipient of the Career Intelligence Medal. Phillips rose to become the CIA's chief of operations for the Western hemisphere]




Dan Ryan email (8-14-2022) to Robert Morrow on the topic of David Atlee Phillips chain smoking while giving HSCA testimony to Richard Sprague




Good day Robert,

Sometime ago I mentioned that David Atlee Phillips had smoked 3 cigarettes whilst under cross examination by relentless Sprague, who hunted down the CIA. You asked for proof, quite rightly.

Now I have it.


Book: The Kennedy Conspiracy, Anthony Summers

Page 511


“When David Philips testified under oath to the Assassinations Committee, he denied ever having used the name Bishop and said he had never heard the name used by a CIA employee, His testimony did not convince his audience. Phillips reacted to unexpected questions by lighting a second cigarette, moments after his first. On one occasion, lit a third while the first two smouldered in the ashtray. Most seriously Phillips gave contradictory and inaccurate testimony”.


My notes, “soon after Blakey dismissed Sprague under pressure from the CIA.”


Kind regards,




CIA media asset Hugh Aynesworth denied to Robert Morrow on Oct. 26, 2013 that he had any relationship with CIA David Atlee Phillips


Hugh G. Aynesworth and the Assassination of JFK - Page 7 - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum (


I spoke to Hugh Aynesworth yesterday (10/26/13) at the Texas Book Festival in Austin, TX. In the Q&A I asked Hugh specifically about:

the CIA report written on October 10, 1963 when J. Walton Moore, the head of the Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts Division reported to the Chief of the Contact Division on “the possibility of Hugh Grant Aynesworth making a trip to Cuba.”[4]

I read that passage and then asked Aynesworth if he had ever been a CIA media asset, had he ever received any money or compensation from the CIA.

Aynesworth said that he had been to Cuba in 1962, and that is expertise was covering the military and that in order to get to Cuba then one had to go through the Czechoslovakian embassy. He said that he got a call from some CIA guy named "Walton Moore" who offered to help out and because Aynesworth was expert on military affairs could he see what the Cubans had as far as military capacity, count things etc.

Aynesworth said that he had never received any money or compensation at all from the CIA.

Later, as he signed my book, I asked Aynesworth if he had ever had any conversations with the CIA's David Atlee Phillips. He said he had never talked to David Atlee Phillips, had not met him, did not have any relationship with David Atlee Phillips.

The Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) was created by a man who was deeply involved in the JFK assassination: David Atlee Phillips

Our History

During the 1970s the Intelligence Community was buffeted by a number of leaks and revelations, culminating in the Church and Pike Congressional investigations. CIA officer David Atlee Phillips took early retirement in 1975 to respond to the growing sentiment that the CIA was a “rogue elephant.” As part of this effort, Phillips founded this organization, known then as the Association of Retired Intelligence Officers (ARIO). Although much attacked at the time when many people called for the dismantlement of the CIA, Phillips toured the world to speak out in favor of the need for a strong intelligence community. He was subsequently personally accused of being a participant in the Kennedy and Letelier assassinations. He successfully sued several publications for libel, retractions were issued and monetary damages awarded. Phillips donated some of these proceeds to ARIO for the purpose of creating a legal defense fund for American intelligence officers who felt they were the victims of libel. This defense focus was later moved to a separate group called Charter, which disbanded in the early 1980s, and AFIO's focus narrowed to public education within its 501(c)3 charter.

The first ARIO convention was held in September 1975, and the organization defined its purpose to explain to the nation the function of intelligence and what intelligence officers can and cannot do. From the very beginning it sought to reach out to teachers and students across the country as well as to the media, through publications, such as Periscope and through periodic luncheons. These early efforts have grown into the robust academic outreach and support programs present today, including scholarships, civic outreach, a variety of print and online publications and media fora, an annual symposium as well as the quarterly luncheons featuring senior officials from the Intelligence and Policy Communities, authors and media representatives.

In 1978 the name of the organization was changed to Association of Former Intelligence Officers to reflect a pool of members who were not necessarily retired, which widened the pool of eligible members and reflects the current dynamic membership. From its inception in Dave Phillips’ living room and a few hundred members in 1975, AFIO has grown to over 5000 members, with 24 active chapters across the United States.

AFIO is more than a professional or fraternal organization. Its distinguishing mission is reach out to the public and explain what intelligence organizations do, and to build a nation-wide constituency for intelligence as a profession. In many ways, AFIO is the public face of the Intelligence Community.

 CIA David Atlee Phillips told former HSCA investigator Kevin Walsh that the JFK assassination “was a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers”

Web link


According to Larry Hancock, the author of Someone Would Have Talked, just before his death Phillips told Kevin Walsh, an investigator with the House Select Committee on Assassinations: "My final take on the assassination is there was a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers." (Some books wrongly quote Phillips as saying: "My private opinion is that JFK was done in by a conspiracy, likely including rogue American intelligence people.")


Unpublished Novel by CIA David Atlee Phillips had this revealing nugget about the CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald


When he died on 7th July, 1988, Phillips left behind an unpublished manuscript. The novel is about a CIA officer who lived in Mexico City. In the novel the character states: “I was one of those officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald… We gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba… I don’t know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the president’s assassination, but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt.”

[Here is a footnote: ]

Alpha 66 Leader Antonio Veciana stated that his CIA contact Maurice Bishop was in fact David Atlee Phillips


Antonio Veciana on Nov. 22, 2013


Dear Marie Fonzi:

You may publish the following statement from me:

“Maurice Bishop, my CIA contact was David Atlee Phillips. Phillips or Bishop was the man I saw with Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas on September 1963.”

Best Regards,

Antonio Veciana


  • David Atlee Phillips AKA Michael C. Choaden AKA Maurice Bishop (Operación 40 assassin/ Fair Play For Cuba Committee infiltration commander/ Deputy Chief of Cuban Covert Operations, CIA Mexico City Station/ CIA liaison, Dirección Federal de Seguridad/ CIA liaison, Project LIHUFF)