Sunday, January 21, 2024

Donald Trump has a ZERO percent chance of winning the 2024 presidential race

 "Donald Trump has a ZERO percent chance of winning the 2024 presidential race" 

by Robert Morrow  - January 21, 2024:

A big reason for that is that in a lot of swing states DEMOCRATS control the governorships, secretary of state positions, legislatures and state Supreme Courts, which means there is no one there in positions of high power in swing states to let Trump CHEAT to win the election. There is no Trump state Supreme Court in these states that will allow him to cheat.

The other big reasons Trump is a sure-fire loser are: 1) Abortion is a huge issue and it is not going away 2) Trump is an election Liar (not merely denier) and he tried to overthrow the government 3) Trump's negatives are rock solid and high and will always be higher than Biden's or Kamala Harris's or any other Democrat's negatives and that is the determinative factor in this race.

So what if 45% or 46% of the country votes for Trump? He is still going to lose the electoral college and he has no one in power to help him cheat to win the swing states. Trump's 47% of the popular vote in the 2020 election is his forever high water mark and he only got that because of the power of incumbency. Biden got 51% of the popular vote in 2020.

Ever heard the expression "Close but no cigar" or "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades?"

The best Trump can do is "make it close" but there is an impenetrable barrier to him winning 2024 presidential and that is his rock-solid forever and permanent negative ratings.

A recent NH poll had Biden at a pathetic 38% approval rating and he was still handily beating Trump in a head-to-head race. So what if 25-30% of the USA are hardcore Trump supporters? 53% of the USA permanently and forever totally hates Trump - they are SCARED of Trump - which is why Trump can't win. The GOP base is "angry" but the Democrats and independents are SCARED of Trump and "scared" trumps "angry" in the 2024 U.S. presidential race.

Even if Biden dies while on the ballot, the Democrats will will. Even if Kamala Harris somehow the Demo nominee the Democrats will win. Normally, if the economy collapses the opposition party will ease win a presidential race. Not so in 2024 where Trump's completely toxic high negatives will "trump" any sour economic news. Trump's revolting and criminal behavior has made the Democratic party bullet proof in presidential elections.

The coin flip for the 2024 election reads on one side "Democrats will win" and on the other side "Donald Trump will lose."

The only way Joe Biden could lose the presidential race would be to publicly do something so criminal, revolting and disgusting that would cause voters NOT to vote for him even if they would never vote for Trump. Biden would have to do something like chainsaw puppies up into little pieces on the White House lawn or rape a 4-year-old boy in the ass on the White House lawn in order for Trump to have a CHANCE of winning. 

Biden, wearing diapers and drooling from the mouth and smoking crack with Hunter Biden on the White House lawn would not be enough for Trump to actually win the election.

The odds of Biden actually doing something so evil and criminal and disgusting in a public place are so low that Donald Trump effectively has a ZERO percent chance of winning the 2024 presidential election.


Robert Morrow        Austin, TX    512-306-1510

"The World's Leading Public Intellectual"

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